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Tarung P.O.V

A knock interrupted my meditation. I growled and stood up to answer it. I opened the door and saw Cici Ko. " What's so important that you had to interrupt my night meditating? " I asked fiercely.

" Sorry for interrupting you, Commander Tarung, but I need to discuss to you about our new recruits. " I let him in then closed the door.

" What about our new recruits? " I said with a smirk. " I wanted to ask you, why did you already have a liking for them, when this is your first time meeting them? " I paused for a while, I didn't want to say this to anyone, because this would invade in the seven brothers' privacy. But since he asked, I can't keep this from him.

" You cannot tell anyone this. I only say this to you, " I said to him. He nodded.

" Well, they....... "

Cici Ko and I walked down the hallway. We were making our way to the control room. A few of other old recruits greeted us on the way, we responded to every one of them.

But, on the way, we bumped into Fang and his team. They greeted us with respect. " Good morning, commanders. "

" Good morning, recruits. But, what are you doing out of your shift? " I asked them as I crossed my arms.

" Um... We were looking for Thunder and his little brothers, " Fang answered me. " They have some shifts starting, like, right now. And we need to get them now. "

He was right. I assigned the seven of them to take shifts early in the morning. I didn't know why I thought that they would be able to make such an early shift, but just felt right.

" That's right. Where are they? Are they in their room? " I asked them. Yaya shaked her head. " No, they aren't. Ying and I already checked there. "

I thought for a while. Where would they be at this time if not at shift? I got an idea of where they could be though.

" Come, I think I know where they are. Follow me. "

I led them to the training session. And just what I thought I would hear, banging, booming, and blasting. I smirked. " You think they are in there, commander? "

" Who else can you think that would be in this painful room so early in the morning? " I said. Fang looked as if I had a point, which I definitely have. I unlocked the door, and we all went inside.

But, one step we took. A voice immediately called out. " Watch out your heads! " that was a warning, we all dodged at once when we felt something fly past above us.

The figure stopped to reveal a hovering Cyclone. He smiled at us, he saluted. " Hey, everyone. What brings you here in this heck of an arena? "

Cyclone hovered over to his brothers, who were gathered at the middle of the room. Cyclone tapped on them, then made them look at our direction.
" Ah, everyone. We wanted to borrow this place for a while, I hope you don't mind, " Thunder said, looking at all of us.

" It's fine, no one comes here so early in the morning, anyway. You seven are the first. "

" Really? You guys don't have a morning routine or something? " Solar asked. " Not one that involves this room, no. We only use this room if we have to. "

The siblings nodded. Thunder looked at his watch, he patted his brothers' shoulders. " It's time for our shift. Excuse us, everyone. " All the brothers saluted, then they made their way out of the room.

" See you at work, Fang, " Thunder said before going out. Fang nodded, but his shift wasn't until 10.

" Huh, I guess I don't have to tell them that they won't have to work today. " Fang and the others looked at me with shocked, I raised an eyebrow.

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