Where Are The Twins?

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The brothers, Fang and Kaizo were still in the library, the five waiting for the twins to get back.

" It's been, what? 10.. 15 minutes, and the twins still hasn't shown up, " Solar said, closing the book he had finished. Thunder, Cyclone, Quake and Leaf looked up from their books.

" You're right. It is not like the twins to be away for long. Even if they were to find something, knowing them, they would have found it by now, " Quake said.

" Maybe their pod had a few problems? " Fang said. Kaizo shook his head.

" If the pod had problems, Tarung would have called me or Cici Ko. But, I don't think the pod would have any problems anyway, " he said.

" Then, what's taking them so long to get back? " Leaf said, starting to worry. Thunder closed his book.

" We have to try to communicate with them, this isn't like them at all, " he said, getting up. His brothers nodded, and followed him after.

" Fang, Kaizo, are you coming? " Cyclone said to the two brothers. They looked at each other, and nodded. They got up and followed the brothers.

They went to the control room, and tried to get in contact with their two brothers. But, they weren't able to. All they had were statics and voicemails. " Where are they? "

Then, they had an incoming call. It was from Tarung. They accepted it. " Tarung, what's wrong? Where are Blaze and Ice? " Cyclone asked impatiently.

" Cyclone, Thunder. I cannot seem to find Blaze and Ice. When they didn't come back after a long while, I went down to find them, " Tarung said.

" What? Where are they? " Quake said.

" I don't know. I've searched the whole school, they were nowhere to be found. We need you to come to the school now, " Tarung said.

" We will. Get the other pod ready, we are going to the Space Power School now, " Thunder said. They all got up the pod and sped to the school. They met Tarung at the entrance of the school.

" Tarung! " Thunder called to him.

" Thunder! I..... " Tarung started to say. But Thunder stopped him.

" We understand. But, we need to find them now. The five of us will go into the school, and try to find the twins, " he said.

" What? But, what if you disappear as well? " Tarung said.

" Don't worry, Tarung. Fang and I will go along with them. You go on back to base, we will contact you if we find something, " Kaizo said.

" Take care of them, Kaizo. Take care of them as if they were your own, " Tarung said as he put a hand on Kaizo's shoulder. Kaizo smiled and nodded.

" I will, " Kaizo said. Tarung got on the pod and went back to base. After that, the brothers, Fang and Kaizo went in the school.

" We will all look at separate places. Contact any of us if you've found something, " Thunder said. They all nodded and started their search.

" Blaze... Ice... Where are you? " Thunder said to himself. He made his way to the training hall. " Wait... The twins said before that the training hall had traps at the entrance. Then, why aren't the traps active? "

He went in the training hall. He looked around, and saw sement at the middle of the room. He stayed alert and created a lightning blade. He carefully made his way to the sement.

He looked at the sement and observed it carefully. " It.. Looks as if someone was stuck here... " he looked at the center of it, and saw Ice's tab. He picked it up.

" They were here...... " he said. He activated his watch and contacted the others. " Come to the training hall. I found something..... "

After a while, everyone was present. " Thunder, what did you find? " Cyclone said. Thunder didn't say anything, he took out Ice's tab.

" They were here. They attempted to take the tab when something.... Caught them in sement, " he said.

Cyclone took a closer look at the sement. He remembered something.
" Wait, I have seen this sement before. Isn't this the type of sement from the power sphere SementBot? " he said.

" That's right. But, you don't think... That SementBot was the one who attacked them, do you? " Quake said.

" I.. I don't think so. SementBot is not the one to turn on others. I think someone has taken him and used him to attack the twins, " Thunder said.

" Who though? "

" We will have to find out. "

At that moment, something fell from the top. They looked at it, it was a.... Perfectly shaped balloon? When they saw it, the brothers immediately went to Thunder's side.

" Thunder.... "

" A... A balloon? W.. What is that thing doing here? " Thunder said in a shaky tone.

" Just... Just stay away from them, okay? " Cyclone said. Thunder nodded meekly. And just when he said that, a bunch of other balloons fell on them.

" Oh no, no, no.... " Thunder whispered. Cyclone and Quake hid Thunder behind them, since he had a serious phobia with balloons.

" Where are these balloons coming from? " Cyclone said. Fang accidentally touched one of the balloons, and it exploded. As it did, it attached to the others like a chain reaction.

" Cover your ears, Thunder! " Cyclone said as he quickly covered his big brother's ears tight. The balloons burstedthe loudly, but Cyclone's hands weren't enough to cover Thunder from the horrid sound.

" I hate balloons.....! " he said to himself. When all the balloons finally finished bursting, Thunder's ears were finally let go.

" Those.... Those balloons are from the power sphere BalloonBot, " he said, trying to recover from the sound of the balloons.

" BalloonBot? Is he in this situation as well, how could this person get a hold on both of those power spheres? " Leaf said.

" He must be, " Thunder said. Then, he saw a giant figure outside the training hall. Before he could react, it jumped away and wasn't visible. " What! Where did it go! "

" Thunder, what did you see? " Quake asked. Thunder looked around.

" It was just there! Where did it go? "

Then, Cyclone noticed Ice's tab activate. He looked at it and saw a message. He opened it and read it.

" Guys, look at this.... " he said to the others. They went to him and saw the message.

" If you want to see your precious brothers again, you will come to Planet Mini Circus, and meet me in person? " Solar read a part of the message aloud.

" And at the same time, surrender yourselves so no one else gets hurt. If you don't, you shall face the consequences, " Leaf said, finishing the message.

" Planet Mini Circus? That small planet? " Fang said, with a tone of expecting more.

" Apparently so, we have to go. Blaze and Ice might be in danger, " Quake said.

" Whoever this guy is, he wants us brothers. He thinks that if we are princes, we would be of good use to him, " Cyclone said.

" Wait.... But you aren't going to surrender yourselves, right? " Fang said.

" We aren't. We won't. We go there, find out whoever took the twins and the power spheres, make him pay, and get out, " Thunder said.

" Yes, we cannot be there for long. We have school tomorrow, " Quake said.

" Alright. Let's go to Planet Mini Circus, " Kaizo said.

" Right! "

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