Nova Prix Tournament

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" Racers! On your marks..... "

Vroom..... Vroom.... Vroom...

" Get set...... "

" GO!!! "

The teens watched as the video of a racing tournament went on the screen. The racers banged each other, used their weapons, and one by one, tried to take out each other. They watched it with interest.

Tarung then turned off the proggrame. " Alright, now, you have seen what it looks like. I shall tell you what is it and what your mission is. "

The screen changed and revealed the symbol of the tournament. Fang gasped. " The Nova Prix Tournament? Are you serious? "

" What do you know about this tournament, Fang? " Cyclone asked.

" This tournament is no ordinary tournament. Instead of having rules, this race allows you to do anything to your opponents in order to win. This is a very, very dangerous race, " Fang explained.

" Some even got seriously hurt and even lost their lives because of this, " Thunder said in a low and calm voice.

" And you want us to take part in this race, sir? " Quake asked Tarung. He nodded.

" Yes! There is a reason why I want you to take part in this, it is because the reward is a power sphere, the one we have tried to look for in many races, " Tarung said, as he switched the screen again. This time, revealing a shining power sphere that looked like a trophy.

" This is TrophyBot, he has been seen in many races, but was never awarded to anyone before. But, in this particular race, he is one of the prizes. You need to win the race and get him, " Tarung said.

" Wait, sir. The Nova Prix Tournament only allows a maximum of two members for each team. We cannot all go, we will have to choose, " Fang said.

" Then it's settled then, you and Thunder will take part in it, " Tarung said almost immediately after Fang said.

" What?! " Fang said. " But, I didn't even consider that! "

" You didn't, I did. Thunder is the fastest person we have, so it will be easy for him to take over the other racers. You can distract them, help him if he gets in trouble, " Tarung said.

" I shall accept your decision. Fortunately, Motobot has just done repairing my motorbike. When is the tournament, sir? " Thunder said.

" It's tomorrow. I suggest you use this day wisely, don't regret it, " Tarung adviced them. Fang and Thunder nodded, and they all went on their way.

" We will come with you to check on your motorbike, Thunder. Solar, Leaf, do you mind going to Kaizo and fill him in on what will be happening tomorrow? " Cyclone said.

" Not at all, we're sure Kaizo would love to see this race. Come, Solar, " Leaf said. The two of them then made their way to the control room.

" Let's go check on your motorbike, " Quake said. They nodded and went on their way.

" Motobot? Can we enter? "

" Yes, come in! "

They opened the door. Motobot was there, with Cici Ko and Ochobot. The teens saluted to Cici Ko before continuing.

" Motobot, are you done checking Thunder's motorbike? " Cyclone asked the green robot. He nodded.

" Yes, everything is fixed and good to go, " He said.

" Great, we can test it in the training room. Thank you, Motobot, " Quake said.

" Oh? Is there something exciting coming up? " Ochobot asked.

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