ES and Solar

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            Solar went out the next morning to buy some things for Tok Aba and the twins. Tok Aba had given him a list of the things he needed to get.

            Solar jogged to the market. When he got there, he pulled out the list he was given:

        1. A bag of rice
        2. Two bags of ice
        3. Milk
        4. Flour

        " Great. Time of shop, " Solar said, going to get the items. " I think I'm going to buys some things for Blaze and Ice too. "

           When he was about done with his shopping, he heard a scream outside the shop he was in. It caught everyone's attention. He ran out to see what was going on.

           He saw someone, that looks just like him. But he looked darker and evil. He had glowing white eyes and a white spot on his chest. He was going to attack a little boy.

        " Hey! Stop right there! " Solar said. The figure looked at him, and retreated from hitting the boy. He turned to Solar instead. The people there looked at them, confused on why they looked so alike.

        " Refrain from hurting any of these people. If you are looking for someone to fight, fight me, " Solar said bravely. The lookalike smirked. It got ready to fight.

            Solar did the same, and waited for the attack. The lookalike attacked him with a punch, which he dodged easily. Every hit the lookalike threw at him, Solar was able to dodge. Until he attempted with a powerful punch. Solar got hit in the face.

            He got up, and felt his cheek. It was swollen and bruised. He felt anger building in him. He used his powers to hit it. But, to Solar's surprise, it blocked it with the same power he used.

          " You.. You have the sunlight power too. How can that be? " he said. The lookalike didn't respond and knew he had caught Solar off-guard. He punch him hard in the stomach.

          " Ugh! " Solar groaned, sliding off and making the people there gasp. Solar felt his mouth go wet, he touched it and saw blood. Why is he so strong? He thought to himself.

            The lookalike pounced on him before he could react, he was pinned down and was hit many times.

         " Don't hurt him! " someone shouted, making the lookalike stop and turned to the person who shouted. The boy was scared and backed away, while the lookalike moved towards him. The lookalike lit his hand with bright light, and raised it and attempted to hit the boy.

            The boy covered himself, afraid of getting hit. But nothing happened to him, he opened his eyes and saw Solar is front of him. He was gripping his chest, blood coming out of his mouth.

         " Don't.... Hurt... Him.... " Solar tried to say. His mouth quivered from the pain. The lookalike leaned in closer to him, Solar tried to back away but the man stopped him.

         " Don't you think of yourself? How naive can you be, my little Solar? " he whispered to Solar's ear. His voice was like Solar's too. The man backed away, and teleported away.

            The boy looked at Solar, a few people went closer to them. " Sir? Are you alright? " the boy asked Solar. Solar slowly turned to him, he looked very hurt and in pain. But he tried to force a smile before dropping to the ground.

         " Sir?! "

Solar P.O.V

            I woke up in a room full of darkness. I saw no one, and my body hurt. I heard an evil laugh.

         " Who's there? " I asked.

         " You don't remember me? Oh, I'm hurt, " a voice said. It sounded just like me.

         " Where are you? Who are you? " I asked again. The voice laughed again.

         " Oh, did you already forget what happened at the market.... My little Solar? "

             My eyes bolted open. I was breathing heavily, and I was sweating like mad. I tried to get up, but my whole body hurt. I heard soft sodding near me. It turned to see Quake hugging Leaf, Leaf was sodding softly.

             Cyclone saw I was awake. " Solar! Thank god! " he said. Everyone's eyes immediately turned to me. Leaf ran to my bed.

          " Solar! You're alright! You're alright! " he said, hugging me. My body suddenly ached more.

          " Ow, Ow! Leaf, my chest! Ow! " I tried to warn Leaf. Leaf noticed and backed away immediately.

          " I'm so sorry! Are you okay? " he said.

          " I have been better, " I said truthfully. I held my chest because it suddenly hurt.

          " What happened at the market, Solar? What did you do? " Quake said.
          " There... There was a man. He was attacking the market. He looked just like me, but with glowing eyes. We had a fight, and he was surprisingly strong. He..... Had.... " I stopped after remembering something.

          " What? He had what? " Cyclone said.

          " He had sunlight powers, just like me. But it was much stronger than me, it felt like it pierced through my body..... " I finally said. Everyone was shocked.

          " Sunlight powers? How can that be possible? You are the descendant of the Sunlight Power, " Leaf said.

          " I don't know either. I was so lost in that that I was caught off guard, and I lost, " I said. Everyone was shocked and confused as I was.

          " Let's.... Let's not talk about it now. You were hurt pretty bad, and you need rest. We will leave you alone now. We will come by shortly to check on you, " Thunder said. I slowly nodded and let them leave.

              But I wasn't going to sleep, I was afraid to. What if he comes back? What will he do to me? Who even is he? I turned to the other side of my bed.

           " Why does he want me? "

Outside the house.....

           " Hahaha! That was much fun! How I want to do that again! " ES said on the roof. He stood up and slid down to an alley. There was a person there.

           " Well? How was your day? " EL said. ES laughed.

           " More fun than I thought it would be. Shame my day is done, now... It's your turn, my brother, " he said to EL. EL looked at him with his glowing green eyes.

           " Oh, yes. It is. I'm going to give little Leaf the beating he really deserves! "







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