Planet Gurunda

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" Shadow Tiger! "

" Lightning blade! "

Both boys stood from corner to corner, facing each other. They had their weapons on the ready. Fang was first to move.

" Tiger! Attack! " his tiger ran and attempted to pounce on Thunder. Thunder smirked, he had a plan.

He waited for the right time. When the tiger was just a inch from him, he made his move.

" Lightning speed! " Thunder sped like the lightning he is. He ran all over the room, confusing the tiger. When it was completely confused, Thunder went up behind him and slashed it with his blade.

" And time! Thunder wins! " Blaze and Ice exclaimed as they stopped the timer.

" No, I lost again! " Fang said defeatedly. Thunder laughed.

" Well, better luck next time, Fang, " he said laughing a little. Fang looked at him all annoyed, but then laughed along with him as well.

" We should do more of this, it is really beneficial, " Cyclone said. Quake nodded.

" We are beginning to know how to control tell our powers, which is really good, " he said. His brothers smiled. They are slowly reaching their goal.

" But I think we have had enough for today, haven't we? " Thunder said, putting away his blade.

" Yes, we have. Let's go now, " Fang said. So, they all went out the training room. Along the way, they thought of what else they could do.

" Fang, you said that there was a library here, right? " Thunder asked him. Fang nodded.

" Yes, there is. It's on the fourth floor, the one with a big door for an entrance, " he said. " Why do you want to know? "

" I was thinking of going there today. I want to learn more about this place, space and all, " Thundwr answered him. Cyclone and Quake put their hands on Thunder's shoulders.

" We were just thinking the same thing. We can go there together, " they said, their little brothers nodded in agreement.

" Alright then. Fang, are you coming? " Thunder asked him.

" Tarung told me to go and check on my brother, see if there's any information. You guys go on ahead, " Fang said regretfully.

" Fair enough. You be a good little brother, okay, Fang? "

" Aren't I already? See you guys soon, " Fang said as he waved goodbye and went on his way. The brothers went the other way to get to the library.

They arrived at the entrance of the library. When they opened it, to them it was a doorway to absolute happiness. The room was huge, there were two floors of shelves with books everywhere. There were also computers on the second floor.

" Woah! This place is amazing! " Quake said as he went in the huge room. All go them looked at it with awe.

" This place is fascinating, there are bound to be books that we have never read before here, " Thunder said looking around.

" I can't believe we didn't even bother to come here in the first place! " Solar said. The twins didn't hesitate to look around, neither did Quake. Leaf and Solar followed after them.

" Don't get lost, you guys! " Cyclone said after them. Thunder chuckled. He out a hand on his brother's shoulder.

" Let's go, " he said. Cyclone smiled and nodded. They went in further into the room together.

After a while of looking than searching for books, all brothers went to the same table at the same time. When they noticed, they laughed quietly together.

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