You Weren't Here....

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Cyclone made his way to the canteen to get a bite to eat. After that, he planned to continue with his work.

He passed the training hall, the door was slightly opened. Cyclone gasped, he thought he saw someone that looked like Thunder in the training hall. He quickly turned back and opened the door wider.

To his dismay, no one was there. He sighed, he went in the room. " Must be my imagination.... " he said. He looked up to the sky.

" Thunder... Where are you? " he said. He looked around the room, and many memories came back to him from when they first trained here.

He smiled a guilty smile. " What am I thinking....? Why are these memories suddenly coming back? Why here.....? Why now....? " he said, he let out a sniffle. Just a sniffle. But that was just enough to make him shred so much tears.

" Why did you have to go on that mission? Why did you have to say yes? Why didn't you stay.... Why? Why? Why?! " Cyclone shouted between sobs.

His voice echoed in the empty room. He was on his knees in the middle of the room. His fist hit the ground.

" I'm sorry... I bet now you think I'm some kind of crybaby..... Even after all these years.... " he said.

" Not at all, " Aiden said, standing in front of him. He extended his hand to Cyclone. " It's alright to cry. "

" I'm dead, but I still cry at the loss of my family, even though they are right here with me in the afterlife, " Aiden said.

" But you seem to control it so well. How do you do it? " Cyclone said, brushing off the tears.

Aiden put a hand on his shoulder. " I can't. I try, but those sad feelings keep coming out out of the blue, " he said.

" Huh? " Cyclone said.

" Sometimes, Cyclone. Those who smile the most, have the worst problems in life. They try to hide those problems by forming a smile on their face, " Aiden said.

" They try to find people they can trust, until they feel comfortable enough to tell their true feelings. That's what I am right now. I trust you, Cyclone. I hope you feel the same, " Aiden said, smiling at Cyclone.

Cyclone looked at him, he started to cry again. He sank into Aiden's arms.
" I trust you, Aiden. I really do, " he said.

" I'm glad I have someone to talk about this, " he said, smiling. Aiden smiled back.

" I'm here whenever you need me, CyCy, " he said. Cyclone's eyes went wide. He remembered Thunder saying something like that when they were still little.

' I'm here, CyCy. Whenever you need me, I'm here, " he used to say. Cyclone's eyes became watery again, he closed them and cuddled into Aiden's chest more.

Cyclone went back to the room. When he opened the door, Blaze and Ice threw their arms around him immediately.

" Cyclone! Where were you?! " they said. " When you stayed out of the room for more than 50 minutes, we became worried! Because you never be leave the room for more than that!! "

Cyclone smiled and pat their heads.
" Well I'm back now. Don't worry, Blaze and Ice. I just paid a visit to Aiden at the training hall. I needed some time alone with him, " he said.

" Did something happen? Are you okay? " Quake asked.

" I'm fine now. Talking to Aiden really cleared my head, " Cyclone said.

" That's good then. Do you have a minute, Cyclone? I need to talk to you about something, " Luke said.

" Right there with you, " Cyclone said.

" Did any of you have any luck finding him? " Lilian asked.

They shook their heads. " We have no luck at all. We couldn't find a trace of him, " Eva said.

" Gah! Where is he? 5 years ago, he disappeared out of nowhere and even we can't find him! " Rocko said, very frustrated.

" If we can't find him, he must be in another dimension. Us spirits can only go so far depending on where we are, " Blossom said.

" I agree. I have heard your brother say this before, Lili. He said that the black hole that was near Thunder when we lost him might have more than what meets the eye, " Aiden said.

" So I heard. That black hole is a gate way to a whole new world. And if that is the entrance, then it is expected to be bad news, " Lilian said.

" Should one of us tell them? " Serena said.

" Aiden has done his part in getting Cyclone to calm down, " Lilian said.
" Rocko, you are to tell Quake about this. "

Lilian gestured to Rocko. Rocko nodded. " I'll find the perfect time to tell him, " he said.

" I will ask Luke if there is any other theories of such that is enough to prove it. Because Tarung isn't going to let them go on a suicide mission like this, " Lilian said.

" You're right. We can help them investigate a little, if only we can get closer to the place Thunder vanished, " Frank said.

" Oh, don't worry about that. I bet Luke and his friends will try and get there, " Eva said.

" Then that's it for now. We will continue our search tomorrow. For now, rest, spirits, " Lilian said.

It was night. Everyone was asleep, even Cyclone and his brothers overworked and fell asleep on their beds. Every bed had at least two people sleeping on it, except one.

Thunder's bed only had Luke on it, he was sitting up, lost in his thoughts.

' I told Thunder to be careful, and what did he do in return? Disappear without a trace, great job, Thunder. You have succeeded in making us worried to our graves, ' he thought to himself.

He sighed. He turned to the side of the bed where Thunder slept. " For 5 whole years, you weren't here...., " he whispered.

" Man, have we missed so much during those years. Now I wish I could turn back time to make past me realize, " he whispered again.

He laid down and got under the sheets. He started at the empty side the bed, he envisioned Thunder there, smiling. And telling him: Good night, Luke.

Luke sighed once more.

" Good night, Thunder. "

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