No One Gets Left Behind

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The fight between the
T.A.P.O.P.S crew and the Space Pirates began intensely. They fought the pirates, who were stronger than they expected.

" Polar Blast! " Ice chanted, his hand turning to solid ice. He pushed it towards the pirates and a big blast of snow fell on them.

" Firey Punch! " his twin chanted next to him. His hand was on fire, while a giant blazing fist followed it. It punched many pirates down.

Leaf and Solar were working together. Leaf made plants, while Solar helped to make them bloom. The plants swallowed the pirates whole.

" Where is Separo? " Thunder said, landing on their own ship. Cyclone and Quake landed after him. They shook their heads.

" We haven't seen him since the fight started, " Cyclone said. Thunder looked around, Separo was still nowhere to be seen.

" We have no time to find him now. Come on, let's help the others, " he said. Cyclone and Quake nodded, and followed him into the fight.

Fang was fighting a bunch of pirates in one go. When he was fighting some of them, little did he know one was behind him, attempting to hit him. A bright flash behind him, Fang turned to see the pirate taken down, Thunder next to it.
" Watch your back, " he said. They both stood back to back, both taking one side each.

The twins fought further than the others. They were quite far from the ship, but they still fought on. A pirate shot them apart, both flying to opposite sides. Blaze attempted to take it on, but he felt himself being caught by the waist. He looked down and saw a hook holding him.

" Blaze! " Ice shouted. Blaze was pulled back, and bumping into Captain Separo's hands. He tried to struggle out but had no luck.

" Let him go, " Ice said sharply. Separo laughed.

" And what if I don't? " he said, smirking. Ice froze his own hand to ice. He glared at the pirate.

" I won't tell you the third time. Let him go, " he said.

" Give in, kid. You two won't get away from me. I plan to do it right when I catch one of you anyway, " Separo said. He reached out to his back to get something. The twins already knew what it was.

Separo had the sceptre of Elements. He laughed, and pointed it at Blaze.

" No, no, no. Let me go! " Blaze shouted, struggling more. " Get off me! "

Fortunately, the others heard him loud and clear. They looked around to find them missing. " It came from here, hurry! " they flew to the twins' direction.

The sceptre was put closer to Blaze's head, Blaze tried to back away as it did. Ice wanted to attack, then suddenly a bunch of pirates held him down. His icy hand turned to normal. " No! Let him go! "

Blaze was breathing heavily. Separo's eyesballs became smaller as the sceptre touched Blaze's head. Blaze screamed in pain. For some reason, the sceptre effects him when it touched him.

" LET HIM GO! PLEASE! " Ice shouted. He hated to see his twins in pain. He tried his best to break free. Finally, he did. He ran to Blaze to try to free him.

" ICE HAND! " he shouted. He touched Separo's hook, and froze it. Separo dropped Blaze before the ice got to him. The others made it there, they saw what happened.

" Blaze! " Ice dropped down to save his twin who fell. Thunder got off his bike, together with Cyclone and Quake. They charged Separo. Cyclone and Quake attacked him, making him let go of the sceptre.

" No! " Separo said, he reached out to take it back. Thunder noticed and tried to block him from it. The sceptre bounced from both the men's hands, did so with Cyclone and Quake's.

Ice managed to get Blaze back. They both were alright now. When they got back up with their bikes, they saw what was happening. They went over to them.

Then, at that moment, the sceptre flew between all of the brothers. And at the same time, they all reached out for it. When they all grabbed it, a giant flash of light was created.

When it finally cleared out, Fang and the others could finally see. What they saw was amazing. The brothers were all holding onto the sceptre in the air. What's more, their outfits changed a different color.

Thunder's color changed from light orange to black and glowing red. Cyclone's changed from dark blue to white, dark blue and yellow. Quake changed from brown to a lighter brown and deal red. The twins from light red to firey red, and light blue to icy blue. Leaf's changed from light green to dark green. Solar from white to white and orange.

Their appearance were amazing to see, very eye-catching. Fang and the others stared with awe. The brothers opened their eyes, and saw what has become of them.

" We unlocked the sceptre, " Leaf said. Separo was both terrified and excited at the same time. One of them being he found the right people and unlocked the weapon.

" Give it to me! " he charged for them. The brothers looked at him. They pointed the weapon at him, and activated it. It gave out a very strong force of elements, blowing Separo away and hitting his own ship.

" That was a stupid move, wouldn't you agree? " the twins said, their brothers nodded. Leaf flew towards Separo, who was trying to get out of his ship. Leaf lifted him up and wrapped him round with binds of poison ivy.

" Let's get him into the cells, he won't be able to get out in this state, " Quake said. So they did. Separo was locked up in the cell, still wrapped round with the plants.

" Please.... Please help me out here! " he begged.

" Help you get out? No can do! " Gopal said, slightly proud.

" Not that. But help me loosen these binds! The itches are unbearable!!! " he cried, trying to reach out for the itches. Leaf laughed.

" I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you won't be getting out of that any time soon! " he said.

They all gathered outside the cell room. " That was amazing! Look at yourselves! You look great! " Fang said.

" This is quite exciting. The uses of this weapon are definitely worth finding out, " Thunder said.

" We will send Separo off to the Main Space Prison tomorrow. For now, get some rest everyone. It has been a long day, " Tarung said.

" A long but wonderful day, that is, " Kaizo said smiling.

So everyone was left to their own pace. The brothers went to their room. The twins sat at the window, Blaze pat Ice's shoulder.

" Thank you for being there for me. I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you, " he said. Ice smiled.

" Hey, you are my twin. I would never let anything happen to you. And I know you would do the same for me, " he said.

" I would, " Blaze said. The rest of their brothers joined them, they all had proud smiles on their faces.

" No one gets left behind. No matter what happens, " Thunder said.

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