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Solar P.O.V

Thunder and the twins came back with their injuries done. Thunder told us the news about his arm.

" Alright then, we will take care of it until two days passed, " I said, putting my hands in my pocket. He nodded and thanked me.

Tarung came in shortly after. We looked at him, he looked at us. We said nothing, Cyclone almost didn't even want to look at him.

" Um... I see you guys are back and... um.... Safe? " he said hesitating on the last word, since he saw the injuries on Thunder and the twins. He glared at Thunder's arm.

" I heard word from the nurse. I told you you shouldn't have gone out there, now you have to wait from two hours to two days, " he said.

" I told you before. I don't care about myself, I care about others, " Thunder said. Tarung nodded.

" I've reflected on that. And, I'm sorry, for sending you four on a mission like that. Even I thought you weren't ready at all, I still put you on it. And honestly, I could have gotten the four of you killed. "

" You could have. And we have discussed on it. And the brothers told us to forgive you, even though what you did was completely stupid. "

Tarung was a little annoyed at the last one. But he calmed down. He sighed.

" Alright then, I hope you all will recover soon, and, Uh, again, sorry. I have to go now, settle down now, " he said, heading for the door.

" Hey, commander. " Thunder called him, Tarung turned to him.

" Thanks, I heard you rarely apologize to anyone at all. So, thank you, " Thunder said.

" I may be doing this for one time only. So, don't get used to it, " Tarung said, trying to fight back the smart Thunder. Thunder smirked.

" ' May ' ? " he said, making Tarung flustered.

" Just... Get some rest! " he said, stomping out of the room., leaving us giggling. When he had gone, Gopal and Fang bursted out laughing.

" I've never seen commander like that before. No one was able to make him that flustered before, " Yaya said.

" Everyone has a side they don't want to show, " Cyclone said.

" True. "

A wave of force hit the ship, making it lean a little to the side.

" What was that? " my brothers and I met eyes.

" Planet Volcania. The volcano erupted... " Quake said. Fang and the others were shocked.

" The volcano? That's why you told us to get out of there! Goodness, we could have been fried humans and alien if you hadn't! " Gopal said.

" That's one reason. The other is that this idea was plainly stupid and not capable for you four alone, " Leaf said.
" Thank you, again, the seven of you. We owe you guys one, " Fang said gratefully. We nodded in response. I check my phone.

" Time passes quickly. It's almost 1 in the afternoon. Let's get back to our work shall we? " I said to my brothers. They nodded.

" Alright, let's go. "

" Whhhaaaaatttt? But I don't wanna go to work..... " Gopal grumbled. We smiled.

" You four have experienced enough havoc as it is. You guys can rest today if you want, we can help you take leave, " Thunder offered. Gopal's face lit up.

" Really? " he said happily. We nodded. " Yes! Come on, guys. Let's take leave today!! " he said to his friends. Yaya and Ying were not sure about this, but they needed the rest. So did Fang.

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