chapter 17

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Misha and Jensen woke up around five to West jumping on the bed trying to wake them up. "Daddy wake up!" Soon after Jared walked in seeing that the two were naked under the blanket made his eyes go wide. "I uh tried calling but no one answered," Jared said awkwardly. They both laughed a bit. "Its fine jared. Thanks for watching West for a couple of hours." Jensen said. "It was no problem."

"West buddy, why don't you go show Uncle Jared your new room?" West nodded, took Jared's hand, and lead him to his room shutting the door behind him. They both jumped out of the bed and put on some pants along with a new shirt. Jensen turned, looked at Misha and gave him a wink. Misha just rolled his eyes.

After they were both fully dressed, they walked out of their room to find Jared and West sitting on the floor playing with West's legos. They stood outside West's room and laughed. When Jared noticed them he stood up and walked over. "I think I should be heading out. I told Gen that I wouldn't be gone long."

"Alright see you later man." Jensen said giving Jared a hug. Jared gave a hug to Misha then walked out. Misha and Jensen made a small dinner for the three of them then put West to bed and went to bed themselves.

Misha woke with Jensen's arm around him and his alarm going off. He carefully slipped out of his arms accidentally waking him up. Jensen rolled over and yawned. "Well good morning baby, " Jensen said with a smile and gave Misha a kiss. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Its okay we have to film today anyway." They got dressed as usual and drove West to school together then went to the studio. When they arrive they gave each other a kiss and went to get dressed. Misha put on his usual suit and tie with his trench coat. He walked out of his dressing room to find Jensen leaning against the wall beside his door waiting on him. "Well don't you look handsome in your castiel outfit," Jensen said kissing Misha. It soon turned into a heated make out session in the hall until Jensen felt a light tapping on his shoulder. It was the actor who played Amara the Darkness. "I don't think you should be doing that in here."

"Oh sorry, I guess I couldn't help myself," Jensen said with a smile giving a wink to Misha who blushed bright red. "So you guys are really a thing now aren't you?" She asked seeing the effect Jensen had on Misha. "Yep. We've been dating almost a week now." Jensen said putting his arm around Misha. "Oh.." She said walking away with her head down. Jensen and Misha always knew she had a slight crush on Jensen for awhile now and they guessed she was probably jelous of Misha.

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