chapter 21

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"Jensen it's 2016." Jensen looked at him confused. Misha walked out of the room looking for a doctor. He found the one he was talking to earlier and confronted him. "I thought you said there would be no damage! Jensen thinks it's 2013!" Misha shouted angrily. The doctor walked into the room to check Jensen out just as Misha noticed Jared walking through the hospital doors. Misha ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Misha what happened?"

"Me and Jensen got into a wreck, and now Jensen thinks it's 2013," Misha said feeling a tear in his eye. "Jared, he proposed to me," Misha said showing him the ring and starting to cry. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

Jared  and Misha walked into Jensen's room to find the doctor asking him questions. "Okay Jensen you have memory loss, we are not sure it is permit or short term, but in the mean time you might want to try to jog your memory with things you have done before, but don't remember."

"How am I gonna know what I did if I don't remember it?" Jensen asked. "Well your fiance is right over there, you might wanna start with him," the doctor said with a smile then walked out. Jensen looked over at Misha who was blushing bright red. "Come on guys, this is a joke right?" Misha just looked down, too embarrassed to say anything.

"Uh how did it happen? How did we start dating?" Misha looked up kinda surprised by the question. "Well uh, we starting cheating on our wifes for awhile until they found out and dumped us." Jensen nodded. "Sounds like something I'd do, how did I proposed?" Jensen asked looking at the ring on his finger. "Kinda romantic actually, you invited me to this fancy restaurant and they served my ring in a glass of champagne,"

Misha said smiling remembering the amazing memory. "Well the doctor said to start jogging your memory so Misha I think you should kiss him," Jared suggested. "What!? He just found out about all this like 2 minutes ago!" Misha shouted, but before Jared could reply, Jensen said something. "I think we should."

Which surprised everyone. "If I like you as much as you say I do, I want to remember. And I can't say I haven't been thinking about you, but I didn't think it would go anywhere." Misha blushed slightly and looked down. "Wow, your really cute when you blush."

This only caused Misha to blush more.  Jensen stayed to pull all the cords and tubes out of his arm. He got up out of the bed and walked up to Misha. Without saying another word Jensen leaned in and kissed him deeply.

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