You're mine, I want it to stay that way.

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I didn’t know what to do. He just left the room with no explanation, leaving me in a place filled with others I didn’t know, strangers. I stood awkwardly by the stand with drinks upon it trying to understand why we were here.

Magnus had gone as soon as we walked through the door. He had called this trip ‘business’ but honestly it looked more like a party to me. It was a party.

“Lightwood?” A voice from behind asked. A tall guy with big thick eyeliner strutted up to me with a drink in each hand. His hair was dark and scruffy and the thin layer of glitter that looked like it coated his entire body reminded me of Magnus.

“Uhm, I’m sorry, I don’t think I know you.”

He laughed and nodded gently taking a sip from one of the drinks. “Of course you don’t. I know your sister, you look similar. That’s how I pegged you as a lightwood by the way.” He winked and I wasn’t sure what he was trying to accomplish but it was making me uneasy.

“Do you…want something?” I asked trying not to sound rude but it didn’t particularly work. The music seemed to grow louder and I couldn’t hear what he was saying so I shook my head. He handed me one of the drinks and I happily took it. Maybe I wouldn’t feel so out of place here if I was tipsy.

He walked away soon after and left with a wink again, maybe it was the drink or the atmosphere but I was sure he had a devil’s tail, well this party was filled with vampires, warlocks, faeries and other downworlders.

A few drinks later and I was beginning to question where Magnus was. Half of the night had passed by and the moon was just passing its apex. The loud thrumming of the beat and stench of sweat had me speed walking out of the crowd to the empty bench by the bushes.

I sighed then yawned. Magnus’ words ran through his mind. “It won’t take long.” he had said earlier. The boy from earlier walked up and took a seat next to me.
“I realised I never told you my name. I’m Spencer but you lightwood can call me sexy.” That made me laugh slightly and I nodded gently. We continued talking but all the while I kept my look out for Magnus. As much as I liked this guy’s company he missed my Warlocks more.

It wasn’t until a few hours later that I had had too many drinks and gotten tipsy did my mind let go. Me and Spencer danced, drunk and partied. In the midst of everything I lost what was going on until his lips found mine, Spencer’s.

My hands pushed against his chest to get him from me but something did it for me. It was only when I looked properly did I realise it wasn’t a something but a someone. Magnus. His hands were in tight fists and his cat eyes gleamed.

“Stop!” A loud voice yelled before anything could happen. “Please leave. All three of you.”  Magnus inhaled deeply and uncurled his fists but the glare he and Spencer shared didn’t end.

Once back inside the car Magnus didn’t speak, he simply sped home like his life depended on it. My head lowered and hands clasped together, I stayed silent. How could I make up for this? Something I didn’t mean to do. As the car pulled up to his apartment I tried to apologise.

“Magnus, I can’t say how sorry I am.”

“Alexander. Look at me.” I did as I was told. His eyes watched mine for a few moments then he relaxed into the chair and nodded gently. “This isn’t your fault unless you purposely spiked your own drink?”

“No, I wouldn’t but…wait what are you saying?” I asked, my heart beat was loud and fast alongside my breathing but was that not what a party did to you?

“I’m saying he, Spencer Petra, will be killed on spot if I so much as see him again. Let’s go inside, you’ll need to sleep it off.” Magnus and I left the car and walked up to the door of his apartment, my feet moved from beneath me and I was in his arms. My warlock’s arms. Did that mean he had forgiven me?

His lips moved but I wasn’t quite sure what he was saying it sounded like “You’re mine, I want it to stay that way.” My head responded by nodding slightly then as if the whole night had been a hazy dream I fell into the deep realms of sleep. 

I hope you all like it! 
Please remember to vote/comment if you did(:
Thank you Munchkins x

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