it's been so long.

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It’s been so long.

I sighed gently and flicked the television channel over. Magnus had been visiting his so-called family a few states over all week while I had to stay home. The ache of longing to be with him echoed through the very marrow of my bones. It was a chill wind trapped in the chambers of my heart. With every spare moment my mind would rehearse a new letter to him. And as the allotted time for his return drew nearer, time herself seemed to slow to such a leisurely pace she seemed cruel to me, bringing out the seconds, so that final week felt like a month. I never knew that missing someone could take over every fibre of your being and wring you out like a wet sponge every day. It is a torment I was unprepared for.

But it wasn’t just my heart that ached for his presence, the thirst and desire to have him in my arms, the memory of his lips against mine brought intense feelings that could only be described as hunger. My body yearned for his touch while my mind needed his presence.

He promised he would be home this weekend but it was the weekend! It is only Friday night, he could arrive any time now I reminded myself but it didn't put out the flame. The spontaneity of his return was crippling but at the same time it kept me on edge. Adrenaline coursing through my veins at the thought of my warlock being home. There was no warning for when he would burst through the door and let one of his little smirks emerge.

I had to shut down my mind and sleep, face the fact that he wouldn’t be home tonight. But it was difficult. Very difficult.  I focused my eyes upon the screen and tried to see every little pixel instead of the full picture. That, however, didn't last long and my eyes closed. My ears pricked up and listened to the words to attempt what was happening on the screen. I listened more intently and interpreted inside my mind the meanings, guessing the pictures that went alongside them on the screen instead of actually looking. The words slowly but surely began to grow slurred. I questioned what was wrong with  the television but had no intentions of moving to change it. Adrenaline plummeting I was now teetering on the verge of sleep.
 Bang. I sat up immediately at hearing the crash of something around me. My eyes darted frantically but found nothing. It took me a less than a few minutes to reach under the couch for my seraph blade which was hidden under their. Removing the blankets carefully like peeling back a layer of warmth that I wanted so badly to stay wrapped around me, I moved and began to venture the apartment. But wait... when did I have blankets? I tried to remember getting them last night but I couldn’t and gave in trying to remember and attempted to search in my sleepy state for whatever had made the crash. 

On my way I noticed a suitcase in the door way but walked past it not thinking anything of it.  I fetched a glass and twisted the tap letting the water drizzle slowly into the cup making a soft splashing noise. Lips parted, I sipped it gently then stopped and almost smashed the glass as I put it on the counter. There was a suitcase. Magnus’ suitcase. MAGNUS.

I practically ran back through the living room and into one of the only rooms left in the apartment; the bedroom. He was laid with his hair messed up from sleep and the duvet covering the lower half of his body. Damn he was hot. My running and clashing must have made a commotion as he peeked from under his eyelashes.

I slyly slid into the bed with him and nuzzled the crook of his neck while my hands wrapped around his waist. At my touch he flew off the bed and shivered, yelling “Alexander! Your hands are so cold don’t touch me.” But he started laughing part way through. Now wide awake I sat up and looked at him in only his boxers. Maybe my hands were cold on his bare skin. He clambered back into the covers and took my hands in his, warming them as he did. His eyes bore down onto mine as if he could see my soul in just one glance. "Actuallly, maybe you should touch me." he whispered in a smoky voice that made the hair on the back on my neck stand on edge. The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs. 

I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss with the strong scent of old wine being exchanged in the intermingling of our billowing breaths. My arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. In an instant I had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before I drew back into his lips. I could nearly feel the slight burn of the wine as it rolled off my tongue and seeped down my throat with every push of his tongue against mine.

I hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp. Lust and desire. However, before I could ponder about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in another hungry kiss. As our lips crushed together, I felt like I was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have imagined and I opened my mouth with a low moan.

His hands move from mine to my bottom and he slapped it lightly, signifying for him to jump. Wasting no time I moved with a smile upon my lips so he could pull off my jumper. He began pulling at sweater and shirt trying to get it off, then for his belt and fumbling, instead palming my length through the tight fabric. I had to bite down hard on my lower lip to stifle the moan inside. It had been so long since we had touched and I had missed it dearly.

Clothing stripped from my body his lips reached mine again and he took control, the way he was here with me now in my possession once more turned me on more. I nibble his lower lip slightly and receive a growl of pleasure from my lover. Magnus began to grind, hard and fast until I was letting out high pitched little gasps like a machine gun, demanding more. He obliged and ripped his own boxers and mine in haste from our bodies. His lips tickle my chest as he began making a small tail of kisses down my chest. His hand grazed my member making it throb uncontrollably. 

"I missed you.." he announced. "and your...amazing friend."

thank y'all for reading, ily♥


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