Morning Sweetie.

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I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my blue eyes see the sun’s rays.

The room was lit up a light white and I questioned where the usual oranges, pinks and reds that coloured the sky had gone. The question didn’t stay on my mind long as a feather-like touch skimmed my bare back.

Magnus lay beside me, his body deadly still apart from the slow, rhythmic movements of his chest that rose and fell with each breath. He was angelic in his sleep just like in consciousness. His hair was messy and adorable but the way his lips were held loosely together mixed with his fresh face was too much to ignore.

I lay watching him sleep, occasionally letting my finger brush across his cheek, then his arm to his palm where I traced invisible patterns. His skin was soft under my touch and it felt so natural, peaceful almost to lay with him like this.

The clock on the bedside table behind me beeped. Slowly, I glanced over my shoulder to see the time. 7am. With that I snuggled back down into the warmth of the covers and continued to watch him sleep.

It was when his eyelids started to flutter and my ears heard snuffling noises from his lips that I realised he was waking up. My inside bubbled away constantly and my heart jerked in my chest at anticipation of seeing him. But he didn’t wake up.
Magnus, my warlock, was dreaming.

I questioned what he would be dreaming about, whether I was in them or not but I didn’t mind. He fell back into his peaceful state; a ray of light shining from a slit in the curtain fell perfectly onto his face showing his angular jawbone emphasised my thoughts.

I was about to slide out of bed and make breakfast to stop the silent rumbling of my stomach but then I heard a soft mutter, a groan then a mumble.

“Alexander.” The innocent man next to me half whispered his voice low. I stopped moving and lay back down, my hand slid on his chest moving up and down in a light trail. He murmured my name again but this time I felt his voice rumble through his chest and it brought a soft smile to my lips.

Around 15 minutes after he last spoke my name his eyes opened, slowly at first then wide and curious. The messiness of his hair and the sleepiness in his voice made my breathing hitch.

“Morning sweetie.” He spoke then stretched, yawned and pulled me into his arms.

“Good morning.” I replied, his eyes lost in mine just as much as mine were in his. His embrace was strong and warm, it made me feel save. Loved.

“What time is it?” He asked with another yawn, his lips growing closer to my own.


“And you’re not up? What kept you here?”

I couldn’t reply and tell him I had been watching him sleep for the past few hours. Stroking him gently and imagining what he was dreaming. I couldn’t do it. His lips grew ever closer to mine, the longer it took me to speak the closer he moved.

"By the Angel Magnus!” I exclaimed and jumped up out of bed.

“What?! What is it?” His voice seemed worried but I smirked and ran in my boxers to the bedroom door. I just had time to see him propping himself up with his hands, his eyes on me.

I laughed and replied with the same smirk on my lips. “Your chest…it’s got something on it!” He stood up and looked in the mirror to see three words written on his chest in glitter.

Alec owns this.

Just as he parted his lips to reply I left the room and dashed into the dining room. “Alexander Gideon Lightwood.” Were the last words I heard him say.

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it(:
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