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Queen's pov

Today was February 11. The day of a tragedy. A horrible cover up made by Chino Hills high school.

Its was my freshman year. Rose hadnt come to Chino yet. It was only Maya and I. Maya was my Bestfriend. She was the daughter of one of my mom's friends. Aster a few sleepovers and her coming over to my house to watch morning cartoons we became Bestfriends. She was my diary the person I could put my heart out to. I didn't know what I would do without her. No here I am, living without her.

Maya was pretty wide and always perky and happy. But that wasn't the  real Maya . She suffered from bullying and depression. From stress. One day she was fine the other not so much...


"Queen after today I'm sorry" Maya said. I didn't completely understand what she was saying. "Maya if it's about you borrowing my jeans you can have them" I chuckled. Then I saw her eyes gloss over. "Its not about those jeans. Its about me, it's about my life" she said. I held her arm "where are you going what's wrong?"

"I love you queen. You are my sister and I'll always be here" she said pulling away and running up the steps. I ran after her. She was on the roof. The cold breeze hitting my face. She stood on the ledge. "MAYA PLEASE STOP!" I yelled.

But she looked at me. I saw a tear fall out her eyes. They were no longer a ravishing blue but a dark midnight. She threw something to me and fell off the ledge purposely backwards.

I caught the silver locket and tried to catch her arm but it was too late. she slipped away from me. Later that day she was pronounced dead and mentally so was I.
*End of flashback*

The school did nothing. All they did was put silly posters up about depression and everyday someone was called to the principal because they wanted to find out who did it. Even I was accused. The accusation was absurd and false.

She was suppose to graduate with me. Now I'm graduating for her.

Everyone knew what day it was except Brandon. Yet  He trailed behind me like  he knew why but was trying to hide it with a lost puppy  act. I clutched on my bag as I walked to school. It was an assembly to honor one of Chino Hills students. And I was going to speak. To expose Chino for what they did. Even if it did get me suspended.

"I hate seeing her like this" Brandon whispered to gelo. "We all do but she just took this really hard" gelo answered back. "She lost her Bestfriend and her mentality in one day just give her some time" Zo said. I felt someone stand next to me. It was Brandon. He intertwined his hands with mine as we entered the campus of Chino. It was an outside assembly. "I don't know what your going through but I know that things will definitely get better because you will understand that Maya wants you to get better" he whispered looking straight ahead but obviously talking to me. How did he know her name?

I sniffled. I went up to the podium letting go of Brandon's hand.

"Today my Bestfriend died. She died out of pure innocence. She died because this school didn't learn to not embrace bullying. She died because noone seemed to care enough to see beyond her smile. Maya Hillary Ross did not die in vain. " I said looking at the principal and the head of the student council.

Clarence was head of the student council and he had bullied mash to the max.

"I watched you bully her! I watched you torment her until you shrunk her down further from her size. You exposed her. You made her feel left out. if I could I would kill you honestly Clarence
Maybe if you cared a little she would be alive."

I looked at the parents faces contorted into embarrasment for their school and sadness for the students. "That is a strong accusation with n-

I cut off the principal "shut the fuck up! I'm tired of it. IM TIRED OF BEINF THE QUIET GIRL IM TIRED OF CLARENCE SHUTTING US ALL UP. AND HE IS THE ONE WHO RHNS OUR DECISIONS IN OUR SCHOOL! " I yelled angry tears falling out my eyes.

"And Principal Silver you covered it all up. Not one rose laid inside of her locker. Not one note or card. It was all cleaned out the next day. As if she didn't exist. She didn't have a last name but we assumed her middle name was enough to pick on her! Animals, embellished with nothing but hatred." I whispered.

Brandon looked down crying as if he knew something I didn't.

"That's it not true" he stuttered defensively. "Raise your hand if you ever got sexually assaulted by Clarence" I said shakily.

Girls put their hands up one by one. Then I put my hand up. Tears streaming down my face. I saw Brandon glare at Clarence and clench his fists. "If we don't speak now how will we continue the legacy of Maya".

"That's why I'm going to continue her legacy I'm going to overthrow clarence.i wanna run for president I want to make Chino better please don't forget Maya. Thank you" I said wiping my tears and going in Clarence face. "I regret the day you were born" I spat.

Brandon came behind me "let me -/
"This one is mine" I said through gritted teeth. Then I punched Clarence. Blood sputtered out his now split lip. "Rot in hell" I spat.

Then I walked away from the scene. I walked away from the teachers helpless cries. I walked away from everything. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. I took the silver locket that smelled of lavender oil. It smelled of maya.

A folded note fell out. It was small. I read it.

If you have this then I must have did the extreme. I'm sorry. I truly love you. I just couldn't live with the hate and the sexual assault. Today is probably the anniversary of my death. Knowing you probably wouldn't have touched this locket if it was any other day.
Take care of my brother. You probably might not know how he is. But I never told anyone because they would treat me different. Take care of Brandon... He would and could never stop looking at you. Take this note and cherish it along with my brother...

-love Maya Hillary Ingram

Brandon was her brother?

How y'all like so far?

I almost cried 🤧

But Brandon and Maya, didn't see that coming 🙄

What y'all think about Clarence?

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