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Queen's pov

My brothers and rose felt bad for me. I hated being pitied on but I was dragged outside. "We going to the movies!!!!" Yelled Gelo. Melo kept constantly pulling my crop top down. "It can't go down?"Melo asked. I shook my head not feeling the need for his jokes.

"Come on!" Yelled lonzo as he shook me. Rose gave me a sympathetic look. "I can't. I just feel so empty" I said. Everyone looked at me. "What if I make Brandon come with us" rose said hovering her finger over his contact.

I didn't answer though. I just watched her do it. "Hello Brandon" rose said. "Wassup rose" his voice filled the room. I sucked in a breath "I'll be waiting in the car" I whispered as I left.

After a few minutes, they all filed into the car. "Brandon coming" I asked out of curiosity. They shook they heads. Rose had a glint of hope in her eyes as she shook her head.

When we reached the movies we entered and there was Brandon sitting there on his phone. "Y'all lied!" I yelled before we entered. "Sorry we just wanted it to be a surprise"  Rose said. Tears streamed down my face. "I-I can't go in there" I whispered.
Then thunder was heard. Rose smirked. "Your going to have to, unless you have an umbrella" she said.  I groaned going inside after wiping my tears.

Everyone was circled around Brandon. I went to the concession section to get myself a popcorn. "Thank you" I said to the guy. He nodded smiling at me which made me uncomfortable. "Your pretty" he said. I looked down at the glistening buttery popcorn. "Thank you" I whispered.

Then I backed away from him. I noticed they had all left. I went inside. It was dark. I tried walking through an aisle but I trippee over something and i fell onto someone's lap. I grabbed their shoulders and they held my waist leaning down with me. "Sorry I..." Then I looked at who I fell on. It was Brandon. I got up quickly. I brushed myself off about to go in another row. "You could sit here if you want" Brandon mumbled.

I looked at rose and gelo. They nodded. So I sat down. The movie was about a couple who wanted to be together but everything and everyone kept coming in their way. I sneaked a glance at Brandon during the movie. His eyes focused on the series of scenes and pictures.

I turned my attention back to the movie. I noticed that my popcorn was all over the floor from my fall earlier. Brandon noticed my gaze. "You can have some of mine" he said. "Nah i-

"I insist Queen" he said giving me a closed smile. I nodded taking some popcorn and focusing back on the movie. It was very awkward between us. The tension was thick.  I sniffled when the girl in the movie was so close to death, the guy was heartbroken.

By the end of the movie The couple got married and had children of their own. It was so sweet because the whole movie was the couple telling their children the story of how they met.
I wiped my eyes. I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see Brandon looking at me. At this point I wanted his attention. I felt incomplete without it. He licked his lips as he stared into my eyes. But I didn't look away. I didn't want to.

"Can I talk to you outside?" He asked. I nodded. "Don't wait up y'all" I said as they tried to eavesdrop on the situation. Once we were outside I locked eyes with the concession stand guy. "I need to get a water hold on " I said.

Brandon nodded as he watched me go over to the stand. "Can I have a water please" I asked him. He smirked. "Your back" he said. "My water" I said not wanting to conversate ith him. "Ok. That will be 6.90" he said. I raised an eyebrow. "The signs says $1 for a water".

"It will be free if you give me your number" he said. "I don't want to give y-

The he grabbed my arm. "HEY!" Brandon yelled coming over. "Let. Go. Of. My. Girl" he said with gritted teeth. My heart fluttered. This reminding me of the day at the mall when he kissed me for the first time.

The guy rolled his eyes. He put my water down and I took it. He didn't deserve my money. "Thank you" I said to Brandon. "Queen I love you" he said turning to me making sure he had my full attention.

"But you-

"I know what I said. I was just mad at you for wishing me to die. I didnt think that you would ever do that" he said. I touched his cheek. "I'm sorry" I whispered. He grabbed my waist. I leaned my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I promise never to hurt you again Brandon. When I saw you in that hospital my whole life went on slow motion" I said.

He brushed a hair from my face. I looked into his eyes. As if the earth wanted this to be as romantic as possible it started to rain. He chuckled. I smiled and then I kissed him pushing him back on a wall. He chuckled and then he turned me around so I was now against the wall. He held my neck lightly. "Come to my house" he groaned. I nodded.

(At Brandon's house)

All Brandon and I have been doing is kissing. We missed eachother so much I couldn't keep my hands off of him. "Take it off" he said pulling at my jeans. Out of pure lust and ecstasy I took my pants off. I watched as he kissed lower. He looked up at me as he pulled my panties down. "Brandon" I moaned as I tangled my hands into his hair. He blew a breath on my heat and I squirmed. He licked my small bundle of nerves "fuckkkk" I groaned. He started going to work with his warm tongue.

(Ten minutes later)

"Cum for daddy babygirl" he said as he fingered me and kicked me up and down at the same time. I gripped his curls as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Ugh yes daddy" I moaned. I felt my climax hit me, I bit my lip hard. My body shaking uncontrollably. He licked me up and he kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips.

My breathing was harsh as he laid next to me his eyes looking into mine.  "God I love you. And I don't want to lose you again." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes in appreciation. "I love you too Brandon" I said. He held my waist and I I smiled at him.

Hopefully one of us didn't mess this up.

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