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This Book is dedicated to the following people

To My readers

This book is a work in progress. Do not judge. Don't criticise any ideas you'd like to be added to the book please feel free to drop it in the comments on the chapters.

Shelly Hume, Sheree Osgood, Tanya Thorogood, Lea Godden Emma Gordon.Thank you for inspiring me to write and following my passion for writing. You have always inspired me to do great things and one day i might. But just know that you guys are my makers it takes a village to raise a child and you guys have done pretty damn well xx You are all amazing women and i feel as though I've got a part of each of you inside of my heart forever. I will always remember who was at my side when times were tough and you all were/ For being  Amazing mentors, Friends and for always looking out for me. You guys are like my mothers.

@dannii11 For being an amazing friend and being with me throughout my journey of writing my books and always supporting me, I'm so sorry this book is taking so long to come out my friend but it will be one of the best yet! Thank you for all of your wonderful comments my friend you have no idea how much they really mean to me.

My beloved Popa For inspiring me to follow my dreams in writing, No matter how bad i am at writing.

Lastly but not least To my loving Partner Craig Whale, For putting up with me in my worst times, Standing by my side when no one else did. For loving me when I couldn't love myself. We have our ups and downs and for some reason, you stick by me.  You may be an absolute egg when I do write and when you see my work. But you inspire me to write, you give me new ideas all the time just by doing the goofy stuff you do. I know you will never read this but just know this book is about us in a way. You were my knight and shining armor you pulled me out of a place where I never thought id ever come back from but you did it and slowly you've put me back together again. I love you to the moon and back xoxoxo/

And so it begins another book 

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