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As we arrived at Alphas rock, i slammed my foot on the breaks. Realizing my seatbelt i was out of the car before Tobias even knew what i was doing. Once our families realized that it was me gasps came from everyone as they seen the blood all over my once beautiful grey dress.

"Lilly, what are you doing here?" My mother growled. I looked around my family and Winstons, Something was off.

"What the hells going ?"Tobias growled.

"It's our wedding day you idoit."Eden laughed taking another sip of her wine. Growls escaped me as i charged into her direction.

"YOU FUCKEN BITCH" I screamed. Winston tried getting in my way but i flung my fist back and let it collided with his nose I felt the blood splash out onto my dress.

"WHAT !!"She screamed. As I tackled her to the ground and started smashing my fist against her face as i screamed at her.

"LILLY GET OFF HER"My mother screamed. I felt Tobias and his father dragging me off her, I managed to escape their grasp and went back and kicked her a few times before Tobias grabbed me by my waist and pulled me away from her completely.

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID SHE WOULD NEVER FIND OUT "Eden screamed at Winston. Winston looked confused at why i had attacked them.

"She still has her necklace on she doesnt know!"He whispered. Not even thinking about what he said i growled and extended my claws to go at her again.

"Lilly whats wrong!"

"YOU WHORE IM GOING TO KILL YOU "I screamed at her as i started to struggled getting out of Tobias grip.

"i havent done anything."She yelled.


"WINSTON IS MY MATE" She growled.

"WELL HE IS NOW CAUSE YOUR REAL ONES DEAD NOW YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU DID THIS HE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU.!! I WILL HAVE YOU KILLED FOR THIS"I screamed with all my anger. Her face turned into sadness straight away once she realized what I said.

"What?"She cried.

"What? Did you think you could have them both you stupid bitch"I laughed.

"No one will be killing her," Winston growled. Tobias loosened his grip around me so i could stand my ground with my so-called Alpha.

"Try me !"I said standing my ground with him.

"Lilly don't you fucken challenge me."

"What are you going to do? you helped kill my brother your best friend ? What are you gonna do go find my mate and kill him or make him reject me so I can stay as your little backup plan?"I growled.

"What? Ethan's dead ?"Winston said as I watched the tears whelm in his eyes my mothers screams of agony began to take over the quiet nights air. I turned around to see her in my father's arms on her knees.'

"NOT MY BABY " "NOT OUR BABY "My mother screamed.

"Did you know?"I said to Winston. 

"I knew but I didn't think he would do that I just thought he'd find someone else." 

"His wolf died well before he did He slit his wrists. In his bathroom, You will both be going up against the council as this is a crime. I just hope some nice Wolf finds your mate in time to save her."

"WELL, I WOULDNT CALL HIM NICE. BUT HE'S GOING TO MAKE YOU ONE HAPPY woman "A voice came from behind us I turned around and growls erupted everyone as Nicholas came out from behind the Suv.

"What ?"I said confused. 

"Now now anyone tries to kill me. Id just like everyone to look behind me. He is holding the Alphas grandaughter. So if anyone wants to try and play hero. The kiddies die."

"Kayla"I Gasped and went to move to her when i hit a barrier. A growl escaped me I was really getting sick and tired of this bitches shit. I looked back and saw that there weren't many people here. A handful of warriors. Against an army of rogues.

"Protect the Alphas" I growled to the few warriors that were here. They formed a protective circle around our Alpha Family. While Tobias family stood proud and tall ready to take on anyone and anything. Tobias caught my attention when he saw me i looked at him and nodded. He had to protect his family.

"Why are you doing this ?"Winston growled at him.

"Cause I want your mate" He laughed. Winston growled and shoved Eden behind him and smirked.

"You can try but you will never take her from me."

"I don't want that whore. I want your real mate. The one who doesn't even know your bond yet That is if she can survive the pain and heartache she is about to feel."

"That's right Lilly. He's your mate" Nichols said to me, Looking deeply into his eyes I knew he was speaking the truth, I felt the tears whelming in my eyes as I turned to face Winston who was staring at me with pity in his eyes. 

"YOUR LYING" I growled. A part of me knew that Nichols was doing this to manipulate me to get into my head to play mind games with me to get me to turn on my Alphas.

"Ask him, Lilly."

"Winston ?"I said, looking at him with sad eyes. Not wanting to believe him.

"Lilly im im im sorry it wasnt meant to happen none of this."

"What "I cried. I looked around our families and looked in their eyes.

"YOU ALL KNEW "I screamed, I felt my heart begging to ache. My breath started losing it i couldnt catch it.

"Lilly Sweetheart Calm down"I could hear Victoria Tobias mum saying.

"Do it' i felt a presence next to me and i was face to face with the bitch I've wanted to kill since the day i meet her.

"Sorry Lilly nothing personal," She said as she grabbed my necklace and ripped it from my neck. I felt the necklace breaking on my neck. From there, onwards everything started happening in slow motion.

Her smirk grew and her horrible laughter echoed through my head, that when it began hitting me all of this emotion all of this pain. 

I felt something wet running down my nose, Placing my hand over the wet substance i pulled it back down so i could see it, All i could see was red.

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