Chapter 10

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"LET'S GO NOW !!"I screamed at Aden who is Sandy's husband which yes does make him an Alpha and turns out he doesn't like taking orders from someone that is below him.

Which is me and apparently that there is no way in hell that rogues could get past his guards as they are the toughest in the country apparently and they can take care of some little bastard rogues and once again we are over exaggerating about our Luna and her daughter and granddaughters protection.

"Sandy this bullshit how come your father is just allowed to get away of this Huh!! I am the Alpha i am your mate and Husband!! I'M YOUR ALPHA NOT HIM !!"

"Jake Frederick take the Lunas to the helicopters now!"

"Lunas, "Frederick said offering his hand to Elizabeth who took it graciously and held Kayla in her arms, Sandy looked hesitant and looked back at me as she was clearly scared of what her husband would do.

I nodded to her grabbing her hand I dragged her out of the door following closely behind Frederick who was also on very high guard as we were both worried and concerned about the danger that could be lurking around every corner. Just waiting for us to drop our guard, an attempt on one of our Lunas lives were going to be made tonight

One if not all three of them were walking targets, unprotected targets at the fact. We knew one of them was going to be attempted to be murdered tonight, We had prepared for it. Everyone knew that it was going to happen one day. One day someone would attempt to kill or harm one of the lunas. Thes ones that one of the strongest Alphas holds dearly to his heart and if anything would happen to any of them. He would become weak, which is deadly to any pack.

"YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THEM !!"Aden yelled.

"Look the threat is real!! Look 400 feet over to the south !!"He looked in that direction and soon his eyes widened with fear and he took off running in the direction of the helicopter. Stopping in my tracks my ears widened as I heard the thudding of paws getting closer and closer.

They were coming.

Looking back at Elizabeth who was currently being shoved into the helicopter and belted in by Frederick I waited until everyone was in the helicopter before I ran towards it. My heart raced and its beats became awfully faster by the second, my legs carried me in the direction of the helicopter.

A scream pierced my ears and my eyes widened as it wasn't coming from behind me but from in front of me. Sandy was screaming not at anyone in the chopper at something behind me. My head found itself turning in the direction where she was screaming too. Looking back I saw the thing that made my heart dread in sorrow and bring back painful memories.

My heart slowed and so did my movements in getting to the helicopter, my hands around my weapons began to shake and I couldn't think straight as many things were flowing through my head at the time, I couldn't make sense of any of it. All I knew was my first priority was to get the Alphas family out! Whatever the cost may be.

"Give yourself up Lilly and I give you my word the Alpha family will not be harmed," Nicholas spoke pulling off his mask so I could tell quite clearly which one he was anyway as the way he stands his head is always held high never lowered for anyone. Not even an Alpha as he thinks he is above them in the first place.

Looking back at everyone in the helicopter who all had now wide eyes, I acted as fast as i could before Jameson or Elizabeth got the chance to pull me in, slamming the sliding door shut i watched as they desperately tried to open the door as I felt it budge I snapped the door handle. Making it so that they couldn't get out. I looked at Jake and his eyes were desperate, Desperate for me to just get in the helicopter. Nodding my head at him he nodded back before I even knew it the helicopter was leaving the ground, as it reached above my head I saw Elizabeth smacking her hands against the windows, I could hear her cries for Jake to turn around and get me.

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