Chapter 9

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My eyes pried open as light came into my room, the sun was slowly rising through the curtains, i snuggled deeper into my comforters and cuddled in deeply not wanting to awake to the days dramas that were in doubt about to happen.

I heard loud footsteps thudding around the house looking over at my clock it was only 546 so what was someone doing up?. Confusion set in, their is no way in hell the boys would be up, Glass shattering against the floor was the next thing that came into my ears.

Automatically my legs were out of bed and i had grabbed my handgun from my side table and checked to make sure it was loaded before i started heading out of my door, which i did quietly and slowly. Pushing my body against the wall as it was my only cover from someone seeing me, i was taught always to be the wall never let anyone see you be quiet, never let your guard down.

Slowly walking down the stairs my arms were raised holding the handgun out, my finger just below the trigger.

Ready to shoot anything that caught my eye.

Reaching the bottom of the staircase i looked down and around the corner, I felt my heart began to pick up and then my adrenaline began to take over. My hands became firmly gripped around the gun, my hands stopped shaking in fear, my protective side came out overloading the fear that was running through my veins, The Beta blood was running through my veins fast, The Warrior blood was out for blood as it was disrespectful not to announce yourself or be welcomed into an Alphas or higher ranking pack members house.

Taking a sharp but sturdy breath into my lungs i turned the corner, to meet with nothing but an empty living room, taking my steps fast but wisely i turned each corner making sure not to miss anything louder footsteps sounded to be coming from the office, Taking a sharp breath i walked into that direction. Realizing the office it was Winston's, he was probably busy fucking his new whore. Always breaking things in my house! Just to get a bigger kick out of his new fling.

Listening in however there was no voice or any noises that i usually do end up hearing there was nothing but silence.

"Winston ?"I asked opening his door, I was meet with Papers tossed everywhere the furniture all displaced and a man in a mask standing there ready a piece of paper. My heart rate picked up a thousand beats a minute.

I raised my gun and began firing bullets in his directions a flash came past my eyes as i watched bullets slowly pass by me missing me by only inches. Freight ran through my blood and so did Anger that FUCKER, thought he had the right to come into my house and put bullet holes in my walls.

Running out of his office i take cover behind the wall, bullets holes coming through them and above my head.


"WINSTON ETHAN "I screamed as loudly as I possibly could, as more bullets skidded past my hairline. I heard footsteps running towards me but they weren't coming from the direction of the boy's bedrooms they were coming from the office, Taking a small breath in I launched myself at the form leaving the office, Our bodies collided and we both helplessly fell to the ground. A thunderous growl ripped through the house, a breath escaped me and i could hear the heartbeat of the intruders increase. My True Alpha was here!

"THOMAS !!"I screamed as the masked man grabbed me by the throat and smacked me in the face repeatedly, Before dropping me to the ground.

"SOME OF A BITCH "I screamed as he ran off . My eyes squinted as i tried to regain my vision, as the figure ran away i saw the Blue folder in his hands. A growl erupted through me and something inside of me just went off , I stumbled around and eventually got my footing and sense of direction back. I began running in the masked man's direction.

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