Chapter 15

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7/09/18... I never thought you'd be the one to break my heart turns out. I should read my books and take my own advice. Always expect the worse pain from the one you least expect it. I've given up everything for you. Yet you threw me away like I was nothing you can't even look me in the eye, I still can't gather my feelings altogether and make me hate you. No matter what anyone says I think I will always love you. No matter how much I wish I didn't. Life lesson learned never to trust anyone with your heart, Especially the one that fixed it because he's the one who knows how to break it. I guess I just have to accept that maybe I wasn't your one and only but I know for sure you are mine.

So it has been a pretty shitty month guys. So expect my feelings to start coming out in this book and the next! Because boy do I have a lot of emotion I need to get out. Get those tissues ready because some sad chapters will be coming. This will be the first chapter I am writing since the break up the last ones were already written beforehand. So let's see where this takes us, my friends.

1 week later.

Well, what an interesting week it has been I can tell you that much, No one has found us yet surprisingly. I think I'm finally getting through to Tobias as well. We don't know what has been up with me these last few days.

Now im collapsing on the daily. We thought it was a once off until it happened again that exact same day. It happens once in the morning around 8ish and then again in the middle of the night around 11 and sometimes it even hits me hard in the afternoon around 3. Tobias says that sometimes I can go down for a few minutes to an hour or two. Once I blackout I whimper in pain the whole time. The night terrors are still happening. So sleeps quite a rare thing for either of us.

Most days Tobias spends on his laptop organizing pack business or on the phone to Nick who has thankfully recovered from his injuries.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE HAS DONE IT  !!"Tobias roar erupted throughout the house. I quickly spat my toothpaste out in the white sparkling sink. My legs ran me all the way down the stairs to where Tobias was located, I saw something being thrown in my direction so I quickly hit the deck as fast as i could.

"Tobias it's me "I yelled.

"We will back within the day" He yelled through his phone. Before throwing it at the nearest window.

"Tobias "

"Get in the car"


"We are leaving."


"Don't question me get in the fucken car."

"Don't speak to me like that "I snapped back at him as I stormed my way into the garage I roughly opened the passenger's door to the car and slammed it shut right in his face.

"Winstons lost it "

"Lost what ?"

"His fucken mind"Confusion struck me, He was fine the last time i saw him what could possibly be wrong with him.

"He's challenging his father. His new whore and he are taking on His parents tonight for the Alpha position. Apparently according to his father your the only one who is going to be able to stop this. Being the enforcer of the pack" My breathing increased rapidly. 

"Waits what it got you all angry for ?"

"If Winston wins he wants to declare war on Kyles well my new territory as a payment for taking you."

"Well nice to see he hasn't gone any more pathetic."I laughed.

"Lilly this is serious if he starts a war with my pack. I will have no choice but wipe out every single one of his pack members."

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