Chapter 7

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"Lilly hold on we will get you out !"I heard my brothers voice yelling,I lowered myself to the ground dragging Kayla closer to me, the pain was erupting everywhere, Whimpers were escaping me as i let out small cries over and over again. Kayla snuggled in closer to me as i heard the barks of the two warriors trying to get to us but the fire was to hot. The Snarls of the rogues getting closer soon overtook every noise.

Looking behind me i saw their shadows getting closer and closer as the sun began to set, the nights sky was being covered with dark clouds coming in from the south,my heart began to pound faster, blocking the pain out was my only chance, looking around i could barely see a single thing as the smoke was beginning to become a thick black smoke which was making it unbearable to see and breathe.

It felt like i was breathing in hot iron which was burning my throat as i lowly inhaled its deadly fumes, Kayla's head was in my fur which was blocking out most of the fumes. We had to get out of here, this time we weren't going to stop.

Seeing rather large rock, i slammed Kayla's little pup form into my fur and began to sprint towards it, i leaped mid air and then pushed hard off of the rock. A burning sensation ran through my tummy and a scream left my wolf as she went over the burning hot flames.

Landing on our back breaking Kayla's fall, cries were escaping me as the pain was becoming once again bearable. The witches strength must be dropping, i grabbed Kayla in my mouth and we began to make a deep sprint back to the border this time we couldn't afford to stop not with the rogues that were straight behind us.

Screams entered into my head, my whole body froze. In complete terror and freight, Images of me being tortured were planted in my head. Before i knew it i was in my human body holding my head screaming, That's when the pain erupted through my body once again.

"GO GET KAYLA OUT OF HERE NOW!"I screamed at the two wolves, they looked at me with sad eyes not wanting to leave me, Pain ran through me and i felt my marks on my back starting to grow again, tears whelmed in my eyes.

"NOW "I screamed.

My breathing began to become heavy and it was getting harder and harder to breathe, I looked in their eyes and they nodded their hesitation was clear when they picked Kayla up and ran off back over to the territory, The howl that Kayla was safe ran through the air,it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I stood up and saw human shadows walking closer to me, i stood tall and proud in my human form, i knew i was half naked but that couldn't bother me. The pain had left my body like a wave hitting the sand, the only proof that it was ever real was the fact i was exhausted and images that i had locked away in the back of my mind were now directly at the top. They had been pulled out of that little red box i had left them in on the top shelf of my room, The box that i only ever thought about when i looked at it, The box i swore never to allow into my head unless i wanted it too. The thing i once had under control was now gone, my sanity would now be gone.

It took me over a year heal my broken self, bring myself out of being a alcoholic, Bring myself out of wanting to kill myself because i felt like it was all my fault. I saved myself. No one else was there to protect me.

Everyone thought i was fine, Fuck half the time i was fine. I never let it show. Never let my greatest fears be shown to anyone else. I was so scared of people knowing what had really happened and how much it affected me, I pretended like it didn't just so my parents would stop blaming themselves because they were too busy working to protect me. They have no idea half the stuff i went through.

I made it through all these years without thinking about the pain and hearing my own screams of terror, My begging, My begging for him to kill me.

None of that was even in my mind, I was good, I didn't think about it , Hell the nightmares dropped down to only every few months, Then this fucking witch had to go ahead and bring it all back.

A growl came through my chest as my wolf was beyond fucked off. After all that work we had put into making me better this witch bitch had to go poking around my head, somewhere she didn't belong.

As the figures came into view i growled as i recognised the witch, She was one of Winston's ex girlfriends. The four men were rogues that belonged to Nicholas as i could smell his dreadful scent that was forever printed into my mind.

"What the hell do you want Sarah!"I growled at her.

"I want my boyfriend back!"

"Fucking have him ! I don't care he isn't my mate!"I growled at her.

"Your full of shit. You lying filthy whore. "She screamed. Her hands moved and some weird shit came out of her mouth, Screams began to escape me as the pain in my head became harder and harder. I could hear screams from the border lines that weren't mine, looking back i could see all of my friends being held down by other pack members, I could hear Spike screaming.

"ETHAN DO SOMETHING !!"Summer screamed.

"LUNA HELP HER"Spike begged.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH YOU LYING SLUT!!"Sarah screamed as she intensified the pain, screams were aching through me, i felt tears dripping down my cheeks as i felt the pain becoming harder, i had never felt like this before it felt like someone was continuously smashing my head against a hard brick wall. With absolutely no mercy.

"She doesn't know Sarah look around her neck."The witch next to her called. The pain stopped and i fell to the ground my eyes connecting to Sarah's, A sad sadistic look went onto her face and then she smirked at me.

"Well looks like we will have to change that. I've got a plan."

"Sarah don't."

I felt myself being lifted into the air and then i felt the air slowly being squeezed out of my lungs i could basically feel myself dying, the oxygen was cut off to my entire body and i couldn't breath my throat was being squeezed so tight i felt the blood slowly dying away and my face starting to go purple.

The little black dots started slowly taking over my vision when i felt my eyes slowly starting to shut down. It was like i was on a cloud slowly starting to float away.

Something heavy collided with my body and i was tackled to the ground roughly. Some big Black fur ball stood over top of me as i started heaving for air, then my stomach's contents also came up, i felt the vomit hit my face, the stench from it soon reached my nose and i began to vomit again soon i had nothing left and began dry wrenching, I wasn't bothered by the screams that could be heard in the background as far as i was concerned that bitch got what was coming to her.

The nights cold air wrapped around my pretty much naked body and i began to shiver down my body at the coldness that was wrapping itself around my bare skin,my breathes soon became short and slow.

"I won't hurt you its okay "A very young figure said walking towards me, he looked very handsome, his smile was comforting and i felt like he was someone that i could trust with my life. He looked familiar but i couldn't place from where.

"Come here"His arms wrapped around me and placed me into the black white wolf ran over to my border and passed me over to one of the guards.

"Thank you "My luna said,

"Get her home now."

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