Chapter 8

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2 Weeks later.

Running through the forest i felt free again, i was completely over school, I Had no friends whatsoever, No one to talk too nothing, No one wanted a bar of me. With Kyle and Jemma gone back to live with his parents i had no one i was forbidden to talk too either.

Secretly i'm hating my life the only time i like during the day is when i get to work at the dinner with my favourite people ever, Lorraine and Brian. They treat me like i'm there own grandkid, Always make me laugh and smile. When they know perfectly well what has been going on at home and school. Its great because i don't need to tell them anything. They just know.

Mainly because this dinner is the best place to eat in this one horse town and its the number one hangout spot for all of us young ones to hang out. They are human however and have kind of stepped up of being like parent figures to me, I have worked here ever since i wa 14 years old and it has been the best time of my life.

I work here 4 nights a week, All depending on my shifts of patrol and when i have to teach the pups is decided whether i work weekends, Mornings or nights.

Jumping over the log i slowed down and soon came to a stop i felt the last of my paws to touch the moist grass and quickly chucked on my work clothes which consisted of jeans and a white top and a half waist apron.

Walking through the back door i walked into the kitchen to see Brian there with a smoke in his mouth cooking the all day breakfast.

"Good Afternoon Old boy how are we today !"

"Aren't you a smart ass "'

"Bet your old saggy ass i am "I laughed before walking out and grabbing my pen and paper, looks like it was going to be one hek of a busy afternoon.

As the hours went on so did the low tips and rude arrogant bastards who think they can look down on me because i actually work for my money and not letch off my parents or the pack. Even though my family are wealthy and i do have money i don't decide to use any of it, i want that kept for a house of my own and for my kids.The only thing i have used their money for is to pay half of my car off and that was it.

"My god girl, You are getting too skinny !"Lorraine said coming around the corner tapping my tummy, A small lazy smile came onto my face as i laughed, She always gets upset when i lose a few pounds or she thinks i do anyway.

"I'm fine i haven't lost much"

"Sweetheart you know me and Brian are here for you whenever you need it, And if you need you know there's a spare bed at our place."

"I know Lorraine thank you for the offer but i have duties to my pack,"

"They are lucky to have you dear"

"They are indeed"A male voice came from behind me and a blush came to my face as i saw who it was. Sebastian.

"What are you doing here Alpha Sebastian."

"Well apart from offering you a job, i'm here to give you a ride, didn't think you'd wanna run in the rain."

"I told you what my answer was the last 5 times you asked. I have my job here and in the pack."

Sebastian has been hassling me ever since i turned 17 to move to his pack and take the job he has offered me which is training pups every day how to fight and how to learn to be a wolf basically. A teacher job was available for me a house and 200,000 dollars a year. They had the money to spend i'll tell yah that much.

"Oh Lilly, You need to start putting yourself first not others."

"I'm happy where i am "

"Run along now dear. We will finish up."

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