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Tobias P.O.V

"What's got you all worked up?"Nick stood there asking me while he was standing by my bar drinking scotch.

"Nothing "I growled at him as I continued to pace in my office. 

What the fuck is wrong with me! Fuck why do I care if she is alright or not! She was an absolute pain in my ass the entire time. She's nothing to me. I growled then threw my glass at the wall, the way she spoke to me in the helicopter kept on repeating in my head. She wasn't even scared of me when she said it. 

She didn't even care for what she said. Lilly would give her life to protect that Alpha family now I can understand Thomas and Elizabeth oh and the baby Kayla but I cannot understand that dipshit Winston. I don't know how she stands him.

"Its that girl isn't it Lilly? She's the reason you're like this?"He laughed. A growl escaped me as I turned and faced him glaring daggers in his direction if he's not careful daggers will be thrown in his direction if he doesn't learn how to watch his tone with me.

"You seem to be forgetting your place here Beta" I growled at him. He quickly became serious. He was a very good Beta and friend. But sometimes he pushed it. He never means too but he just needs to be reminded of his place.

"Son, "My father Said walking into the room with my brother Sebastian close behind him.

"Right this whole Lilly Situation? How did she like being with you ?"

"What's that supposed to mean ?'I growled at Sebastian.

"Well, what way are you thinking brother? Did you and she get along? Why brother did something happen between the two of you ?"A growl escaped me as what my brother was implying was did I have a thing with the girl he's always wanted.

"Son What your brother is trying to say is. Did you like Lilly? Would you take her into your pack?"

"What ?"I asked confused.

"She's not safe in that pack of hers. Thomas said it himself. She will get killed if not worse mated to that Phsyco. At least in your pack, she can stay close to you as the Delta and be your guard."

"Do you know how many people try to kill him in a week? If you wanna protect her we will make her a bloody Nanny "

"Id take her in my pack shed be an Asset to the pack not to mention our family and all of our other packs."I spoke truly.

"She's on the list of a lot of Alpha males. Her father is getting propositions every week. He doesn't know how much longer he can keep on denying them. As she is getting older and still hasn't found her mate."

"Father she isn't even 18 yet,"I commented.

"She was meant to find her mate a year ago. He was meant to be an Alpha male. She has met every single one of them and none of them have claimed her as their true mate."He added.

"In a few weeks, she will be coming here to live."

"Does she know that ?"Nick asked.

"No. She will be ordered too by her Alpha and father."

"What about Winston? He threatened us today if we didn't bring her back he'd start a war with our packs. Lilly won't kill him or any of her fellow pack members."

"He will be to busy with his new mate to even notice she is gone. That's why we are waiting a few weeks no doubt she will be pregnant in a few weeks he will be to busy worrying about that "

"You don't get it to do you Alpha "Nick commented then added " He's not gonna let her outta his site. Because she is going to be the only one he can trust with his mate and child. Like Tobias said early she is an asset. She protects the Alpha family."

I looked at my father for his response but by the looks of it, his face had a realization hitting it. He hadn't thought about it in that way.

"We will need to get Lilly to leave of her own free will then or we just kidnap her and lock her in the basement to make sure she is safe."

" I will talk to Lilly, "I said.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything with her ?"Sebastian added. Which earned a growl from me.

"And if we did ?"I laughed at him as I knew it would get him going. A small growl escaped him and a laugh escaped Nick who was standing in the corner continuing to down his scotch.

"Did you son ?"My father asked I looked at his face and was full of surprise and hope.

"No, I didn't. I wouldn't take advantage of her. Plus even if I tried I wouldn't have got anything cause she is saving it all for her mate. First Kiss, First everything "

"Really she hasn't even had her first kiss ?"My father asked.


"No wonder so many Alphas want her "He laughed.

It was true. That was one of the reasons so many Alphas wanted her, Because of her bloodlines and then not to mention her virtue and also her character and body. Mostly it was because of her bloodlines and how she had kept her virtue for so long. As most Alphas don't like second-hand goods or Sluts. Yet they always in the end up marrying a slut. Lilly would be used if it wasn't the right Alpha that got her hand in marriage she would end up just being a baby maker.

"When do we know what the council is going to be doing about this problem?"I asked my father.

"We have no idea-"

"WE NEED TO GO RIGHT NOW"My mother yelled running into the room. Panic was certain in her face.

"Whats wrong ?"My father asked.

"Lilly has been ambushed."

"WHAT "I growled. We left her there like 5 hours ago and she's already getting attacked anger flooded through my body i wanted to throw stuff all around my room but i couldn't let it be shown that i even had the slightest care for her. It would be considered a weakness.

"She's been attacked. By that witch again and rogues."

"Is she okay ?"

"They don't know its still happening. Lilly is caught in the middle. The witch has started a fire which is making it impossible for the others to get to her. I said we'd go and try to get her."

"Shes trapped Tobias and your the only one powerful enough to get through the witches barriers."

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