Chapter 18

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"LILLY "I heard someone screaming my name, I peeled my eyes open to be in contact with black smoke imeaidtly I began to cough as I could feel the smoke entering my lungs. Growls erupted from all around me, looking around I realized that they weren't my people coming to my rescue. They were rogues. Here to hurt me.

Winstons P.O.V

"WINSTON HELP"I heard someone scream which woke me from my peaceful sleep. Eden was up and walking towards the door.

"Where are you going ?"I asked her annoyed that she had left our bed. 

I'm just gonna make sure everything's alright and tell them to calm and quiet down."

"God, you're made to be a Luna."

"You bet I am"She laughed as she walked out the door. Lilly wouldn't be able to handle being Luna it would be too much responsibility for her. I knew I had to find someone more suitable for the job that person was Eden and not to mention she was the biggest slut out but for a good reason as she has a rocking body.

For some weird reason my chest kept on tightening up and my wolf kept trying to surface I knew I had to keep him under control. Otherwise, he would have his way with Lilly and kill Eden.

I couldn't let that happen.

"ROGUES" I heard Lilly screaming. Growls erupted throughout the house before I even processed what she had said sounds of glass smashing and gunshots firing into the distance echoed through my ears. A growl escaped me as I jumped out of my bed and sprinted to her room.

Reaching Eden and Kayla I grabbed them both and rushed them back to my room. I checked over Eden to make sure she wasn't hurt and Kayla wouldn't stop screaming.


"I'm not leaving Eden here unguarded. She could be the target."

"Like they are really gonna risk breaking into the Alphas house to kill a whore "He growled.

"Im not leaving"I growled.

"Have it your way then!COWARD!"He yelled as he ran out of my room followed by all of the Warriors in the pack.

"You need to go find Lilly!"Eden insisted.

"Why she will be fine."

"Why don't you care what happens to her?"

"Do you care what's happening to her brother right now? Exactly that's what I thought."

20 Minutes later.

Alpha I am surrounded. 

Lilly run now! 'My father screamed through the mind link.

Waves of pain began to hit me as I could feel lillys pain running through our bond. The witch was back. Why didi have to date that Physco?

"What's her position?"I asked my father,]

"So what you are now? Shes at Alphas rock."

"Stay here watch the baby "I  growled at Eden.
"What no I'm not staying here by myself what if they come back"

"Hide in the safe room"

"I'm coming with you"

"Your riding on my back then. Leave Kayla with my mother."

As we ran down the stairs I looked at Jameson who was standing outside my mother's door, pushing past him I opened it expecting to find my mother, but she was nowhere in sight.

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