First day of Highschool

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Bendy's Pov

,,Ring ring". My alarm clock started ringing so I woke up and got out of bed. Oh. I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Bendy. So... as I was saying. I got out of bed and got ready. I ran down stairs and saw my younger brother, Boris, who was making breakfast.(Bendy is 15 and Boris 11)
Boris:Morning, Bendy. Breakfast's ready.

I sat down at the table and looked at Boris. It is his first day in gymnasium and my first day of high school. I am exited, but scared too. People usually bullied me at school, so why would this be any difrent? We finished eating, took our bags and left. On our way to school, we talked about how it would be.
Bendy:So, you excited?
Boris:Of course! I am finally one of the big kids!
Bendy:*giggles* Still the smallest in your class?
Boris:Yeah... but hey! New kids will come. Hopefully they'll be smaller in age.
Boris:Oh. Here we are. Gotta go. Bye!

As we arrived, we went separate ways. I went inside the building taking a deep breath. I knew what was next.
Bendy:*sight*Ok... here we go.
I couldn't even enter well and I got picked up by the collar of my shirt.
???:Heya, midget!
A rabbit guy, a cat girl and cup headed guy were standing in front of me. The rabbit guy was holding me up while the cat girl spoke.
???:Hey, midget! The kindergarten ain't here. This is the high school.
The three of them laughed. The rabbit dude threw me and left.
???:C'mon Ortensia.
Ortensia:Coming, Oswald!
Oswald:Cuphead! Aren't you gonna come?
The cup guy, whose name is apparently Cuphead, looked at me for a little while, then the rabbit, Oswald, called him.
Cuphead:Ah! Yeah... coming!

Well... these are my bullies... I knew it won't be cool. As I walked to my class, I saw Cuphead entering the class. I sighted and walked to the back of the class. Apparently that was a bad idea, because there's where jocks like to stay. I sat down and Cuphead sat down some seats away. He gave me an angry, evil and somewhat playful look. I looked away, thinking that I might turn into stone if I looked in his eyes. The class finished and I was scared. What if the bullies come again? I got pushed and triped. As I looked up, I saw my bullies. Wait... just two of them. Oswald was looking at me while Ortensia was laughing. Huh... Cuphead wasn't here. I think he went to his next class... tho, he doesn't look like liking school. I wonder where he is...

(Sorry if it's short. I will continue if you like it. And sorry for making Oswald and Ortensia bullies.)

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