Not again

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Bendy's Pov

As we arrived at our place I unlocked the door and Mugs and Boris ran upstairs heading to Boris' room. Cuphead and I went to my room and after we left our bags next to the door, I flop on my bed.
Bendy:So Cups. What do you want to do?
Cuphead sat next to me, then layed down, his head next to mine, so he can see what I am doing on my phone. I was reading fan fictions. I quickly closed my phone and looked at Cuphead.
Cuphead:Sorry, Bends.
Bendy:Wanna play some video games with our brothers?
Cuphead:Of course!
We went to our brothers and then we all went downstairs. We began playing and it was just normal. But then I began to feel weird. My stomach hurt and felt like I was gonna throw up. Soon, my vision was black and I could feel something dripping on my hands. No way. It can't be... we fixed the ink machine. I wiped a bit of the ink to look around me. Nobody noticed. But then, Boris did.
He got up and took me, running to the bathroom. He placed me on the floor and began wiping away some ink, after giving me a bucket. He told me sweet things while giving me hugs and wiping some more ink. After a few minutes, the inked stoped and I got up washing my hands and face.
Boris:How is this possible? I thought we repaired the ink machine.
Bendy:We did. I guess someone broke it.
We heard someone knocking on the door.
Mugman:Guys, are you in there?
Cuphead:Are you ok?
Bendy:Yeah. We're fine.
Boris:We have to tell them.
Bendy:What?! No we can't.
Boris:Bendy. Mugs is my best friend and I guess you know what Cuphead is to you.
Bendy:*sight*I guess you're right.
I got out of the bathroom and looked at the two brothers. I took a deep breath and told them.
Bendy:I have the ink illness.
Cuphead:What? Why didn't you tell me?! Are you ok?! Is it bad?! How can I help?!
Bendy:Cuphead. I'm fine. We fixed the ink machine, but I guess someone broke it.
Boris:And we have to go to repair it again. Yey. Another long trip...
Cuphead:I'm coming with you.
Mugs:Me too.
Bendy:That's really sweet of you guys, but it's really not worth it. You will miss school to help me.
Cuphead:Did you hear what you just said. I don't like school and I would do anything to help you.
Bendy:Well Boris and I want to leave tomorrow. Is it ok.
Cuphead:Fine for us. I really don't know why, but Mugs always has a dab with our clothes in it. And other things that we may need.
Bendy:...Great! Then we'll sleep and tomorrow we'll leave. But not in the morning. Like a 1 Pm or something.
Cuphead:Ok. Where will we sleep?
Bendy:We have a spare room with a double bed. You and Mugman can sleep there.
Mugman:No thanks.
Cuphead:Mugman and I never sleep together, or we'll wake up and start doing random animal noises like idiots.
Cuphead:I have no idea.
Boris:Mugs can stay here with me and you'll stay with Cuphead.
Bendy:Oh... o-ok.

Cuphead's Pov

I could see Bendy blush a little after Boris came up with his idea. Mugs already changed and got in Bendy's bed which was the bottom one. Boris went to the bathroom and came out changed into his pajamas. He went up in his bed and looked at us.
Bendy:C'mon Cups.
Bendy led me to his room and got in. He closed the door, but didn't lock it. He took his clothes and went to the bathroom to change.
Bendy:I'm coming out when you're ready.
I got dressed and told Bends I'm done. He came in and got in the bed. I sat next to him and pulled him close. I gave him a small kiss and he kissed back.
Cuphead:Night, Bends. I love you.
Bendy:I love you too, Cuppy. Night
I really hope we can help Bendy with his illness. But I know we can.

A BendyStraw story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now