The confession

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Bendy's Pov

I woke up and got out of bed. Boris wasn't there. He probably got up early again. I got out of bed and headed to my closet. Hmmm. Suspicious. My clothes aren't here. I opened the door and got out.
Bendy:Boris! Where are my clothes?
Boris didn't answer. I heard another voice instead. It was... Cuphead?
Cuphead:Hey, cutie.
Bendy:Hey? Where's Boris?
Cuphead:What do you mean? He's home.
Bendy:Home? Then where am I?
Cuphead:At my place, remember? You came here yesterday, after school.
Cuphead:So we can stay together. Can't you remember when you said you loved me?
Bendy:I-I didn't! Or did I?
Cuphead:Yes, you did.
Cuphead came closer and kissed me. What is going on? Cuphead looked at me and raised his finger and shaped it like a gun.
Cuphead:Don't worry it will end soon.
Cuphead wanted to shoot me, but before I knew it, I fell out of bed screaming.
Bendy:Gaaahh! Ow!
Boris:Bendy! You ok?
Bendy:Yeah... just a weird dream...
After I said that, I started to blush.
Bendy:What time is it?
Boris:Ten more minutes and we need to wake up. Let's get up now.

We got dressed and brushed our teeth. We went downstairs and ate something fast. Then got our bags and jackets, and left. We got to school and went our separate ways.
Bendy:Bye, bro.
Boris:Bye, Bends.
I got inside the building and to my locker. After I left my bag, I closed my locker door and Cuphead came up to me smiling. I really want to tell him what I feel.
Cuphead:Yo, Bendy.
Bendy:Hi, Cups.
Cuphead:Wanna get to class. You're kinda late, so we only have like 2 minutes.
We went to our class and sat next to each other. It was math so Cuphead didn't pay attention. I wrote every thing on my notebook, but I frequently stoped and talked to Cups. It rang and we went to our lockers.

{Time skip to lunch break}

Finally lunch. I am so hungry. Cuphead and I went outside and sat next to a tree. I'm going to tell him.
Bendy:Hey, Cuphead?
Bendy:C-can I tell you something?
Cuphead:Sure. You can tell me anything, buddy.
Bendy:W-well. You see? I-I...
Cuphead:C'mon, Bendy. Tell me.
Bendy:I like you!
He looked at me confused and then smiled.
Cuphead:Bendy. We're best friends. I know you like me. How else would we be friends.
Bendy:No. I mean... really like you. As more than just a friend.
Cuphead:Oh... well. I like you too. I did since a long time ago. I just didn't knew you did too.
Bendy:Wait. Really?!
I jumped and gave him a tight hug. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned forward to me and I didn't know what he was doing, but then I felt his lips against mine. I flinched at first, but I melted into the kiss. He pulled away and smiled.
Bendy:So are we together now?

The rest of the break we just ate and talked about normal things. I was so happy. It rang and we went to class. It was English and I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about Cuphead through the whole class. I started to blush.
Teacher:Bendy. Are you ok?
Bendy:Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
Teacher:Well your face is heating up. Do you want to go to the nurse?
Bendy:Oh no. I'm fine. Really.
The teacher continued to talk and Cuphead looked at me and whispered.
Cuphead:You ok?
Cuphead:You sure?
Bendy:Yes, Cuphead. I know you just care for me, but I'm fine.
Cuphead:Ok then.

{Another time skip}

It was time to go home. I was taking my bag and waiting for Cups.
Cuphead:I'm done. Let's go out.
Bendy:Ok. Do you have to wait for your bro?
Cuphead:Nah. His ready... I hope.
Mugs:Hey, guys.
Boris:Hey, bro. Hey, Cuphead.
Bendy:Great. Your here.
Boris:Yup. Well, gotta go. Bye, Mugs. Bye, Cuphead.
Mugs and Cuphead:Bye.
We got in the bus and left. I wanted to tell Boris the news.
Bendy:Hey, bro?
Bendy:Cuphead and I are a couple.
Boris:Really?! I'm so happy for you, bro.
He hugged me and I hugged back. The bus stopped and we got down. We went inside the house and to our room. After we left our room, Boris sat on the couch and watched tv. I was cooking dinner and after it was done we sat down and ate. We talked a little and then I cleaned the dishes, while Boris took a shower. I took a shower too and then we both changed and got in bed.
Bendy:Night, bro.
Boris:Night, Bendy.

Hey, guys. Sorry I didn't post for a while, but it was hard at school. Lots of tests and homework and I just didn't have time. But hope you enjoyed.

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