Getting detention

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Bendy's Pov

After Cuphead told me he's my new friend, I couldn't stop thinking about this. Kids always laugh at me, or run away screaming. But he is a real friend.


No one's Pov

Bendy was 6 and Boris was 2 years old. Boris was staying with their dad, while Bendy was playing. They were in the park. Bendy saw a little fox person and walked towards him.
Bendy:Hi. My name's Bendy. Wanna be friends?
???:Sure. My name's Red. What do you like to play?
???:Red, no!
Red:But, Ribbon.
Ribbon:I told you before. Don't talk with strangers. Especially not demons!
Red:What? Demon? Where?!?!
Ribbon:He stands right in front of you. You were just talking to him?
Red:Bendy? You're a demon?!
Bendy:Yeah. But I'm a good kid.
Red:Aaaah! Step away!
Ribbon:C'mon, Red. Let's go.

The kid and his sister left Bendy alone in the sand box. He looked as they left and tears formed in his eyes. He started crying, even though it was not the first time kids were scared of him. His dad came to him and picked him up as he continued crying.
Devil:C'mon Bendy. Don't cry.
Bendy:No one wants to be my friend.
Devil:You're too good for them, Bendy. (Yeah, I know. The devil is too kind.)
Bendy:Thanks, daddy.
Bendy:At least I have you, Boris. You will always be my friend, right?
Bendy:Thank you.

//End of flashback//

Bendy's Pov

I know I'll always have Boris, but I need other friends too. And now I have Cuphead. And he is all I need. That sounded weird. But it's true. I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't hear the bell ring. I snapped out of my dreams when Cuphead called my name.
Cuphead:Bendy. Bendy? Bendy!
Bendy:Oh! Yeah. I'm awake. I'm fine, thank you.
Cuphead:Ok... what were you thinking about?
Bendy:Just some memories. Nothing much.
Cuphead:Oh. You ok?
Bendy:Yeah, I'm fine. Really. We should probably go to class.
Cuphead:Yeah. You're right.

We went to class and sat down next to each other. The teacher started talking and I wrote every note. Cuphead was just staying not writing anything.
Bendy:Aren't you gonna write something?
Bendy:Why? You can't pass the class if you won't write anything.
Cuphead:But it is just the beginning of the year. I have enough time to learn.
Bendy:Whatever you say, Cups.
Teacher:Cuphead! Bendy! Detention both of you!
Bendy:What? But I was talking about school.
Teacher:Were you talking?
Teacher:Then detention. Now let's go back to teaching.
Bendy:Cuphead. I've never been to detention before.
Cuphead:It's not bad at all. You just stay there. You can draw or talk or do whatever you want.
Bendy:But I thought you just needed to stay.
Cuphead:Yeah. But usually teachers aren't staying there with us, so we can do whatever we want.
Bendy:Oh. Well that doesn't sound really bad.
Cuphead:It isn't. But we should probably shut up for now.

(Time skip to end of school day)
It was the end of the day and I was putting my books in my bag. Then a teacher came up to me.
Teacher:Bendy. You need to go to detention. Do you know where Cuphead is? He is supposed to go there too.
Bendy:I don't know, but I can look for him. And I promise we'll go there after I find him.
Teacher:Ok, but hurry. You'll stay there till 9:00 pm.
Bendy:But that's so much!
Teacher:Rules are rules, Bendy.
Cuphead:But we don't have to listen to them.
Bendy:Oh. Cuphead, you're here.
Teacher:Good. Now that you're both here, you can go to detention.
Cuphead:*sights in annoyance* Fine.
Teacher:Now go.
Bendy:Ok. C'mon Cups.


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