A problem started

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Thank you to KyraAndSidon for the idea of the chapter. On with the story.

Cuphead's Pov

I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I was positive about this day. And I was happy to see Bendy again. I got out of my room and saw that my bro was already ready, waiting for me.
Cuphead:Sorry, Mugs.
Mugman:It's ok. C'mon.
We didn't eat since we weren't hungry. We arrived at school and started looking after Bendy. But not before I gave Mugs a hug. Once I headed to my locker I saw a familiar face. It looked like... oh no... no,no,no. Not her.
???:Cuppy! *hugs Cuphead*
Cups:Hey, Sally.
Sally was my ex. But what was she doing here?
Cuphead:What are you doing here?
Sally:I transfered here so I can stay with you. Look, I'm sorry for what I did, but can we start allover?
Cuphead:No. I have a boyfriend.
Sally:So what? Break up with him.
Cuphead:No. Why would I do that?
Sally:So we can be together.
Cuphead:But I-.
I got cut off by her kissing me. And... oh no. Bendy...

Bendy's Pov

I was heading to my locker when I saw Cups kissing a girl. What?! Oh that won't end up good.
Cuphead:Bendy! How are you?
Bendy:Don't ask me! How do you think I am?
Bendy:As happy as a roadkill.
Cuphead:They can be happy...
Bendy:But I'm not.
I just turned and ran away so Dumbhead can't find me. Usually when I get mad it manifests like at anyone, but when I'm really mad, it happens. Ink started dripping from my face. My eyes were covered and all I could see was black. My it started dripping from my whole body. My tail was longer with some inches, but I was still short. My clothes were soaked in ink. Oh no. I ran to the bathroom to wait till the anger is gone.

Cuphead's Pov

Bendy ran away. He just ran away and... what is this? There was something black on the floor. It was... ink?!
Sally:See? It wasn't that hard.
Cuphead:Ugh. Just leave me alone.
The bell rang.
Sally:What class do you have?
Sally:Yay. Me too. You're staying next to me.
Sally:Shhh. C'mon.
Uhhh. I hate this girl.

Bendy's Pov
And... I missed history. At least the ink is gone. I went to see which class I have next. Cuphead and that girl are there... ugh...

Cuphead's Pov

Bendy! I have to tell him the truth, but he doesn't understand. As Sally grabbed my hand and walked next to me, kids were cheering. Really? This is so hard. Is like I'm in a story or a movie. It's weird. Wait... the prom! I think I might have an idea. But my ideas usually end up bad... I still have to try.

After school was over, I went to my locker to get my bag and jacket.
Sally:Hey, Cuppy.
I ignored her. I walked away leaving the tall building and headed to where I wait for my bro. Once he finished he ran towards me.
Mugs:I'm done, Cups.
Cuphead:Let's go.

Bendy's Pov

I was waiting for Boris and then I saw him running towards me.
Boris:Sorry, bro. I'm ready.
Bendy:Let's go then.
We got on the bus and it started moving. Boris saw Mugman so he to sit next to him. Cuphead sat next to me and just pouted and looked away. It was silent and awkward for a few minutes, but then he spoke.
Cuphead:Hey, Bendy. I was thinking. Would you like to go to-
Boris:Bendy, we're here.
Bendy:Coming. *looks at Cuphead* Don't talk to me.
And we just left and spend the rest of our day as usual.

Cuphead's Pov

Ughh! I could've do it if they didn't arrive. Well I'll try it tomorrow too. I need to do everything possible to take him back. That Sally!
Mugs:Cups. Cuphead. Hey! Cuphead!
Cuphead:Ah! I'm here. Awake. I was just thinking about... peanut butter and jelly...
Mugs:Ok... well we're here.
Cuphead:Let's go.
Once we got inside our house, each of us went to his room, but before, we gave each other a goodnight hug. Oh, Mugs. At least I have you. I got in bed and fell asleep. Let's hope I can ask him tomorrow. If not, that Sally will pay.

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