We started

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Bendy's Pov

I woke up and got out of bed, getting dressed and packing up. I shook Cups a little so he can wake up.... I shook him again. I slap him and he wakes up.
Cuphead:Ow! Bendy! What was that?
Bendy:No idea. Now get up.

I ran to my brother's room and scream so both Mugman and Boris will wake up. Mugs fell out of bed, while Boris just got up and bang his head to the ceiling.
Boris:Ow! Is everybody ok... well except us.
Bendy:Yup. Now get ready.
Mugs:Your bro is weird.
Boris:I know.
Bendy: I said get ready and stop talking!

I'm not trying to be mean. I just want to leave as fast as we can. I walk to the kitchen to get some snacks and water. After I stuffed them in my bag I took my first aid kit. I know I will need it. I have my medicine in case I get an ink attack again.
Just a bit of time passed and the others came downstairs.
Bendy:Great! You're ready!
Cuphead:After you woke all of us up with pain, yes. We are ready.
Bendy:Then we should eat and go.
Boris:Yup. What do you guys want?
Mugs:I don't know about the others, but I kinda want an omelette.
Cuphead:I'll get one two.
Bendy:And one here.
Boris:So four. Ok.
Boris started making our food, while we gathered everything else that we need.
We all sat down eating and talking. After we finished, Boris washed the dishes and we all leave the house. Bendy:Boris, did you get the map?
Boris:Yup. Got it.
Cuphead and Mugs looked at the map, but couldn't see a thing.
Cuphead:Umm... it's blank.
Mugs:Or maybe is magic.
Bendy:Actually you're right, Mugs. Only Boris and I can see it.
Bendy:So where to?
Boris:Walking straight for a while.

~Time skip~

After we walked for a while, we were all kinda tired and I started coughing. Boris rushed towards me and then looked at the two brothers who were looking kinda concerned.
Boris:You guys set our camp here. I'll take care of Bendy.
Boris and I walked away and try to go as deep into the woods as possible. Once we got far enough we sat down, Boris holding me close, wiping away some of the ink. Some time skipped and I was already feeling better. We heard some footsteps walking towards us. Once it was close enough, we could see a bit of it's blonde shining hair and some sparkling ruby eyes that could pierce thru your soul. Cuphead.
Cuphead:Hey. Uhm... Boris. Mugs said he needs some help.
Boris:I can't leave Bendy alone.
Bendy:It's ok bro. I'm feeling better. I can handle myself.
Boris:Yeah well... Cuphead. Can you stay here with Bendy?
Cuphead:Oh. Sure.
Boris:Thanks. You can use the towel to wipe away ink.
Boris left me and Cuphead alone. He looked at me with a slight blush on his face. He sat down next to me and right after he got up again pushing me forward. He sat behind me with his legs on my sides and then he pulled me back and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel my face heat up so I tried covering it. But it didn't work.
Cuphead:You look like a little tomato, Bendy.
Bendy:Shut up.
Cuphead took the towel and wiped my face a little. We sat there in silence and eventually, I fell asleep.

Cuphead's Pov

Bendy fell asleep in my arms and I could hear Boris coming back.
Boris:We're ready. Oh. Bendy fell asleep. Heh, thanks for staying with him, Cups.
Cuphead:My pleasure. So how are we going to sleep?
Boris:Well since you and Mugs didn't have a tent, we only have two. So probably me and Mugs. And you and Bendy. If it's ok with you.
Cuphead:I'm good. Better than you think.
I whispered the last part so Boris won't hear me. I gave in a small smirk and got up holding Bendy bridal style. We went back and found Mugs roasting marshmallows.
Cuphead:Hey! Don't eat them all.
Mugs:Hurry then.
We sat down next to Mugs and Bendy woke up so he sat next to me. We were all roasting the poor marshmallows. What have they done wrong? After some tasty and some burnt marshmallows we all went to our tents.
Bendy:Umm... where am I supposed to sleep?
Cuphead:Hey Bends. Come in.
Bendy had a slight pink blush on his cheeks when he entered. I laid down and Bendy laid as far as possible. Then some forest animals were making noises outside and I could see that Bendy was kinda scared.
Cuphead:You ok, Bends.
Bendy:Y-yeah. I'm not scared. It's not the first time...
I left out a sight and pulled him close. He had his face into my chest and he snuggle against it. I ruffled his hair a little and gave him a small kiss to which he kissed back.
Cuphead:I love you, Bends.
He blushed, but he answered.
Bendy:I-I love you too, Cups.
We snuggled a bit and eventually Bendy fell asleep. I was still awake, but I was ok. Hearing the leaves and the wind making small noises. Feeling something fluffy snuggle against my chest. It was relaxing. Soon, I fell asleep too, thinking about my little demon, sleeping next to me.

Mugman's Pov (cause why not)

Boris was sleeping in his sleeping bag, while I was in my own, listening to the sounds of the nature. Cups sure did fall for that little guy. He is always talking about him and stuff. He even blushes sometimes when he's around. But I don't mind it. He looks really happy when they're together and whatever makes my bro happy, makes me happy. Plus, Bendy looks like a really nice guy. I really like him as my friend. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice it's 1:26 am. After I checked my phone to see the time, I closed it and put it in my bag. I laid back again and finally fell asleep.

(I'm back. Sorry I haven't post sooner but I had a lot of stuff to do. But to make it up to you, this chapter is longer then the other ones. So yeah. Bye)

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