I fell for him

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Bendy's Pov

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I got dressed and took my bag. Before I walked out of my room, I looked at the drawing of Cups and smiled. I think I kinda started to fell for the cup. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. I saw my brother Boris preparing breakfast.
Boris:Morning, bro.
Bendy:Hey, Boris. How are you?
Boris:Fine. Just finished cooking breakfast. Here.
Boris handed over a plate with eggs and bacon. I started eating after I thanked him. We finished and I took our plates and put them in the sink.
Boris:Thanks, Bro.
Bendy:No problem. Come on, we need to go to school.

We walked and talked about random stuff. What we did yesterday, what classes we have, what dinosaur we would like to ride... what? I told you is random. Anyways, when we got to school we said our goodbyes and walked separate ways. As I walked in school I looked around after bullies. I felt two arms wrapped around me. I felt scared, thinking the person might pick me up and throw me into a wall. I turn around and I saw it was Cuphead.
Bendy:Cuphead! You scared me!
Cuphead:Dude, I only hugged you. But sorry, Bends.
Bendy:It's ok.
I said and he hugged me again. I felt my face heat up a little, but I hugged back. He broke the hug looking at me.
Cuphead:Are you ok?
Bendy:Yeah, why shouldn't I be?
Oh, I don't know. Probably because I fell for my best friend! I feel so stupid.
Cuphead:Ok then. Let's go to your locker so you can leave your bag there, then we can go to class.

We walked to my locker and I left my bag. Cups went to his locker, that is not really too far from mine. But when he left, someone pushed me so I hit my head against the locker. The person then pulled my head away from the locker and turned me around. It was Oswald. He smiled in an evil way, then punched me in the stomach. I could feel his fist punching me really hard. I let out a yelp in pain. Cuphead heard me and came running to me. Oswald punched me in the face, this time not that hard.
Cuphead:Hey! Leave him alone!
Oswald dropped me and looked at Cups.
Oswald:Cuphead. Old pal. How you doing man?

Cuphead's Pov

I know why Oswald is trying to act nice. He knows I can get really violent if I want to. And now I fell like I should punch him in that stupid bunny face of his.
Cuphead:I'm not your friend. Don't talk to me.
Oswald:Ok then.
Oswald stepped on Bendy's hand since he was still on the floor. Bendy yelped again.
Cuphead:Bendy! Leave him alone, Oswald!
Oswald:Or what?
Cuphead:Or I'll do something I never wanted to do.
Oswald:Ok, ok. Here. Take him. He's useless, anyways.
I bent down at Bends and looked at him.
Cuphead:Are you ok, Bendy?
Bendy:Yeah. I'm used to it. Thanks!
Bendy gave me a tight hug and I smiled.
Cuphead:No problem. But really, you can't let him treat you like that. You need to be strong and fight, Bendy.
Bendy:Me? You heard him. I'm useless.
Cuphead:No you're not, Bendy. You are awesome and a really good friend.

Bendy's Pov

After Cuphead said that, he gave me a sweet smile. I blushed again and looked away trying not to show it.
Cuphead:Heh. And you're really cute too.
I felt my face blushing even more.
Cuphead:C'mon. Let's go to class.
We have science. Today we are presenting our robots. I hope I'll get an A. Cuphead and I put a lot of effort in it. And it's pretty good too. We sat down next to each other, me holding the robot. It was our turn.
Bendy:Cuphead and I created a small robot that can grab and bring you anything up to 10 kg.
Cuphead:You can control it with a special remote or connect him to your phone.

When we finished the teacher told us we got an A. I knew I could do it. I smiled at Cups and he smiled back. The rest of the classes were the same as always. Writing down every thing. Talking to Cups sometimes and just staring at the bullies to make sure they won't snap. The last class just ended and I was at my locker taking my stuff. I was talking with Cups and we headed outside to wait for our brothers.
Boris:Hey, Bendy. Sorry we're late. A teacher wanted to talk to us.
Mugs:Hey, Cups. Hey, Bendy.
Cuphead:Hey, Mugs. Hey. You must be Boris.
Boris:Yeah. And you are Cuphead, right?
Cuphead:The one and only.
Boris:Mugs and Bendy told me about you.
Cuphead:They did, didn't they.
Bendy:Yeah... well sorry guys, but Boris and I have to go. See you tomorrow.
Cuphead:Ok. Bye guys.
Mugs and Boris:Bye.

Then we just left and walked home. Finally. My bro and Cups met. Now when I'm talking about one of them, they won't ask or something. I walked to my and Boris' room and got into my pajamas. I laid on my bed and fell asleep and so did Boris.

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