To the ink machine

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Bendy's Pov

I woke up, Cuphead hugging me in his sleep. I gave him a hug and got out of the tent, careful, so I won't wake him up. I ran towards a river and sat down playing with my hands in the water. I splashed the water on my face. I went for a short walk so I'll wake up better. Hopefully the others won't look for me.

Cuphead's Pov

I woke up and I noticed that I was alone. Where's Bendy? I got up and started searching for him, but couldn't find him. Where is he? I walked towards a river and a few meters away, there was a little figure playing with his hands in the water and singing. Huh. Didn't know Bendy could sing. He has a really nice voice. As I walked towards him I startled him and he fell into the water.
Cuphead:Oh. Bendy!
I jumped into the water and dragged him on the grass. I laid him down and looked at him concerned.
Bendy:You know I can swim, right?
Cuphead:Oh. Heh.
Bendy:But thanks anyway.
I gave him a kiss and he kissed back. Bendy blushed looking at me and I blushed too, after I noticed where I was sitting. I got off of him and he coughed. He coughed again, a little bit harder, ink escaping his mouth. He clinched his stomach and yelled in pain. Oh no.
Cuphead:Bendy! Hang on. What should I do?
Cuphead:Yeah but how?
Bendy:Cuphead! I can't stand it! Please! I need-
Cuphead:Shh. It's ok.
I held him close. I told him sweet words, whipping away some ink with his shirt, since I saw Boris doing it. Eventually i laid back, onto the grass. I held Bendy's head on my chest, while he was next to me. He nearly stopped coughing ink. We sat there for a few minutes and then we got up and headed to the camp.
Boris:Bendy! Cuphead! Where were you?
Bendy:I went to the lake and then Cups joined.
Cuphead:Yeah. And Bends had one of his attacks again.
Boris:Well are you ok, bro? Are you fine now? Do you need help.
Bendy:Boris. Chill. I got all the help I need.
Bendy looked at me and smiled, so I smiled back.
Boris:Thanks. Cuphead.
Cuphead:No problem, Boris.
Bendy:Guys. We should continue looking for the ink machine.

Bendy's Pov

We walked for a while and we stopped when we arrived at a building, on which was written ,,SillyVision animation studio". Boris and I ran inside, knowing what this place is, while Mugs and Cuphead were just slowly walking behind us.
Bendy:Boris, there it is!
Cuphead:Wait. Where are we- Whoa. What is that?
Bendy:The reason why we are here. The ink machine. Boris you check if it's broken. I'll see if the pieces are still there.
Mugs:What about us?
Bendy:Mugs, you stay with Boris. Cups, you help me.
Cuphead:Ok. Show me the way.(Sounds familiar)
I led Cups to a dark room with a big lever on a wall. There were six special places for six special pieces.
Bendy:Four of them are here. We need two more. Let's check the studio.

We walked to another room which had a screen, some chairs and a projector. And... bacon soup!!!
Bendy:Well, the pieces are not here, but I found my loved bacon soup.
Cuphead:How long was it here?
Bendy:I don't know, I don't care. It's mine now.
Bendy:Yeah, yeah. Let's look for those things.
Cuphead:What are they.
Bendy:These two are a book and an old disk.
Cuphead:Oh. I think I saw a book, somewhere on a chair.
Bendy:Let's get it!
We got the book and went to find the disk.
It was next to an old desk. We took it and went back to the room with the other pieces. Cups placed the disk and I placed the book, then we went for Boris and Mugs.
Boris:Yup. I'll go for the flow. You go to the power.
Cuphead:How many times have you did this before?
Bendy:Once. It's just the second time, but my bro and I learn fast. I could hear Boris yelling.
Boris:Ready! Your turn!
I turned the lever and the ink machine began to do whatever it's supposed to do. Well I guess ink. It's not leaking anymore, because Boris and I fixed that.
Bendy:I have the bottle. I'll take some ink. You guys can already leave.
After I filled the bottle, I heard some steps. Emerging from the darkness, I could see Sammy Lawrence coming towards me.
Sammy:Bendy Senpai! My lord. What brings you here? Have you finally noticed me and came for me?
Bendy:Uhmmm... no. Came for the ink machine. It was broken again and me and my friends came to fix it.
Sammy:Friends, huh? Can I see this friends of yours?
Bendy:Nope. You can't get your inky hands on them. Now, if the machine breaks again, fix it yourself, would you?
Sammy:Anything for you, my lord.
Bendy:Good. At least you're good for something, creep. I'm leaving now. Bye, Sammy.
Sammy:Wait. My lord. Stay a little more. I've got bacon soup.
Bendy:Well I'd like some bacon soup, but oh. Wait. I already have. It's everywhere. Bye.
Sammy:No! My lord! Stay!
And I simply left, leaving the poor guy yelling at no one. Poor guy. Must be tough to stay alone in here. And calling a guy who barely reaches your tights your ,,lord".
Bendy:I'm ready.
Boris:What took you so long?
Bendy:Saw Sammy and you know how he acts around me.
I looked through my bag while the others started walking. I was left behind a bit, but after one minute I began running so I'll catch up with them.

Sammy's Pov
I hope my lord will come back soon. I'm not alone. I have the searchers, but my lord was the most important... creature in this place, before his show was cancelled. After I looked at the ink machine, I started walking towards the exit, humming a tune I sing sometimes. I like to look at the outside world, but from inside the studio. Wait. What's- A plushie and a note... probably wrong address. I picked up the note.
,,For Sammy Lawrence. A plushie of myself, so you won't feel so lonely. From your so called lord and senpai, Bendy."
From my lord? My lord gave me this. Thank you.

Cuphead's Pov

I don't know who this Sammy is, but I hope the way he acts around Bendy, isn't gonna make me snap at him.
Cuphead:Bendy? Who is this Sammy?
Bendy:Oh. He is just a guy who worked with Boris and I when we had our show.
Cuphead:Oh. So, I saw you leaving him a little present.
Bendy:Oh yeah. Well he calls me his lord and all, but he looks kinda lonely, so I thought I could leave him a little present.
Cuphead:Well that's sweet.
So Bendy's illness is gone. That's good. But I think we're gonna have a long way till home. Bendy's home.

(Yey. Another update. Sorry for the wait, but I had a lot to do. But hey, I added Sammy and I love this guy. So yeah. Sorry again.)

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