The sleepover

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Cuphead's Pov

The idea of the robot sound awesome. Bendy sure is good at robotic. When we finished the robot, it looked really cool.
Bendy:Aaand, done! What do you think, Cups?
Cuphead:I think it's awesome, but let's see how it works.
Bendy:Ok. What should I grab?
Cuphead:Give me... my phone.

The robot went and grabbed Cuphead's phone. He walked back at them and raised his hand.
Cuphead:Thanks... uh... what should we call him.
Bendy:I don't know. Catcher? Or grabber?
Cuphead:Wow. You don't have any idea how to give a name. But Catcher sounds cool.
Bendy:Then Catcher it is.
I looked at my phone and saw it was 9:00 pm.
Cuphead:Hey, Bends. We still have time till we need to sleep. What do you wanna do?
Bendy:Well, we can watch a movie or something.
Cuphead:Sounds great! *puts on a movie*

After I've put the movie on, I sat down next to Bendy. Half an hour past and I felt something on my shoulder. I then looked over and saw that Bendy fall asleep with his head on my shoulder. Aww! How cute! I wrapped my arms around him and continue watching the movie. He didn't sleep a lot. He woke up after five minutes. I saw how he raised his head. He blushed a bit and looked at me. I gave him a smile and he hugged back. I'm kinda sad at the thought that I have to be bad with him. He doesn't deserve this. After the movie ended I looked at my phone. It was 10:30 pm. I didn't feel sleepy, but Bendy was yawning, so I thought he wanted to sleep.
Cuphead:Hey. You sleepy?
Bendy:*yawn* Yeah.
Cuphead:Then I think it's time to sleep.

I showed Bendy a room where he can sleep. It was Mugman's room. He walked in and looked around.
Bendy:You two guys have separate rooms?
Cuphead:Yeah. You don't?
Bendy:Not really. We have a bunk bed.
Cuphead:Oh. So you never slept alone?
Bendy:Just sometimes, but I usually have nightmares.
Cuphead:Well, hopefully you won't have this time.
Cuphead:Ok. Good night, Bendy.
Bendy:Night, Cups.

I closed the door and walk away. I got into my room and changed into my pajamas. After that I got in bed and fall asleep.

Bendy's Pov

After Cuphead left me here, I changed into my pajamas and got in bed. It was kinda dark and I was in a room I've never been in before. I saw a weird shadow and got scared. I could hear the branches of a tree hitting the window. It was really creepy. I tried to think of something cute, but I couldn't. I couldn't sleep. Every thing made me scared. I sat in bed with my eyes wide open for half an hour. I got out of bed. The floor felt like I was walking on lava. I walked towards the door, sometimes hopping over obstacles. I opened the  door and walked out. The dark hallways made me even more scared. I ran till the end of the short hallway, that felt like an internity. I felt like I was being followed. I could even hear footsteps. I tripped over something, but I got up in fear, running till the door. I stopped at Cuphead's door and knocked on it nervously. It opened a bit, but I rushed in the room and jumped on the bed. I hid under the blanked and closed my eyes. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Cuphead came and took of the blanket.
Cuphead:What's wrong? This is my room. Get out!
Bendy:B-but... M-mug's room is c-creepy.
Cuphead:Oh... what do you mean?
Bendy:They're shadows and it's too dark. And I could hear something hitting the window! And the hallways are so dark and long. And something's following me!
Cuphead:Wow. What a crybaby. The room is dark because is night. The shadows and the sound from the window are from the tree. And there is nothing following you in the hallways!
Bendy:O-oh. O-ok then. I'll l-leave.
Cuphead:*sights* Fine. You can sleep here with me. But don't wake me up again, ok?
Bendy:Ok. Thanks.
Cuphead:No problem.
I layed down and fell asleep immediately.

Cuphead's Pov

I heard someone knock on the door. I woke up and walked towards it. I opened it just a little, but a small figure rushed inside, jumping on my bed and covering itself with the blanket. I walked towards it and took off the blanket. It was Bendy. I told him to get out, but he didn't. He was scared of all the creepy stuff in Mug's room. I told him he could stay so he just fell asleep instantly. I smiled and layed next to him wrapping my arms around him. I don't hate him. I want us to be friends. I think I'll have to talk about this with Oswald and Ortensia.

A BendyStraw story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now