Your mother used to tell you that you had a purpose in this world that no one else could have. It was specific to you.
That was 10 years ago, but you still haven't found it. You've just learned to accept that you may really have no meaning in this world after all. Everything you do is just some sort of busywork that is done simply to be done.
You make your way to the front door of your complex that afternoon, hand in your purse as you search for your keys. "Hey, new neighbor!" A cheerful voice calls as you insert the key into the hole, grocery bags in your other hand. The apartment next to yours has always been empty, but clearly not anymore.
"Hey!" You call back, getting a clear view of the red-haired male from across the hall. "How long have you been here?"
He shakes the box in his hands while motioning it to you. "Just today actually," his bright smile is contagious, and you soon find yourself grinning with him.
"Oh, I could help you if you'd like," you offer.
He shakes up and down his head in response. "That'd be great. I'm Hoseok by the way."
"I'm Y/N," you introduce yourself. "I'll be out in a few minutes, I just have to put a few groceries away." You say shortly before disappearing into your now-opened apartment.
You walk into the cramped space, tossing your keys onto some empty counter space. The small apartment just fits your belongings and nothing more. Each shelf that lines your room is covered with memories; and you didn't miss the opportunity to put a picture frame wherever you could find room.
The task of putting away groceries takes no less than 5 minutes. Though you didn't get much, it's always quite a trip to up to your apartment that sits on the top floor of this complex.
As soon as you're done, you waste no time in going over to your new neighbor's and, hopefully, soon-to-be friend.
You knock softly on the door of his room, and are surprised at how the door almost immediately opens with the grinning boy behind it. "Come in," he gestures quickly, moving out of the way. "Thanks for helping out again."
"Of course! I remember the struggle of moving all my things in all the way up here," you note the challenge of living on the top floor once more.
"I think I've finally got all of the boxes moved up here, so now it's time for the fun part of unpacking!" He enthusiastically moves to the other side of his spacious room.
You smile at his optimism, but don't think you could react the same way in such a tiring situation.
"Where do we start?" You ask while walking into his still-bare apartment room. It's a lot bigger than yours and even has a spare bedroom. You're impressed at the sheer amount of boxes he has yet to unpack, though you want to help him nonetheless. If not this, you'd be stuck alone all evening in your apartment as usual.
Hoseok hums, looking down at all of the boxes. "I have some tables and shelves that need to be put together still, so let's do that first."
"Wow," you sigh while wiping the collected sweat off of your forehead. "We've been at it all evening, but there's still so much to unpack!" You exasperate, looking at all of the boxes that have yet to be opened.
He frowns at them for a short moment while wiping a drop of perspiration that creeps down his forehead. "Well, I'll just have to continue tomorrow." He gives a weak smile, but you're impressed he still possesses such energy to do even that.
"I have school tomorrow, but I'd be glad to help after if you're still not done." You smile at him while walking to the front door.
"I had a lot of fun talking with you today, Y/N." He says quickly as you're about to close the door.

Fallen |
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15