"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods.
BTS Jimin x Reader
He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility.
Completed. 2019.12.15
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Fallen Shorts, where we go beyond the chapters to show what's really going up with Y/N and that knucklehead Jimin! Today we will be showing a series of events that express Jimin's, or as we like to call him, Chim Chim's, love for tofu!
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"Chim!" Y/N screams while standing in the kitchen. Like she usually had, a large platter of pancakes was waiting on the table when her Chim finally came in.
He was still sleeping on the couch (at Hoseok's) and could probably sleep through a tornado if it weren't for the overpowering scent of the pancakes that never seem to get old to him. The smell that easily intrigues him, as well as Y/N's voice, wakes him from his deep slumber.
Like a little child waking up in the morning, he comes into the kitchen, clad in his pj's and a serious case of bedhead hair.
"It's almost ready," Y/N says while bringing different things to the table. "Oh, Chim, could you grab the butter from the fridge. It's sitting on the top."
He hums a 'yes,' while rubbing his tired eyes. Reaching into the fridge he picks up the plate with a cube of white cream on the top and brings it back to the table.
They both get seated around the table and start to fill their plates with different toppings. "Oh," Y/N stops mid-way while bringing a pancake to her plate, "I forgot the milk, but help yourself, Chim. I'll be right back if you need help cutting them."
Quickly putting the circular goodness on her plate that she was previously holding in the air, she then stands up and makes her way back into the kitchen. She gets two glasses from the cupboard before diving into the fridge. Spotting the milk in the back of the fridge, she begins to move a couple of other things around. One of which is a plate with a stick of butter on the top, which she knew she only has one of.
"Chim, did you forget the butter as well?" Taking out the milk and plate, she sets it on the counter.
"Mm," he says in between chewing, "I already put butter on pancakes."
Confused, she walks back into the dining area, taking a closer look a the "butter" that Jimin got out. Y/N's eyes grow wide, and she can't believe she didn't see it before.
Jimin didn't get out the butter.
He got out tofu.
Like the flash, Y/N dives for his fork that is slowly making it's way up to his open mouth. The small piece of pancake, layered with many different topping surely has the tofu on it.
"STOP!" Y/N screams, reaching forward as if it was all happening in slow motion.