Weird or Cute?

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Hoseok's POV

"Come with me," Yoongi commands before walking away.

Stumbling and red, Hoseok follows the mysterious stranger who's good friends with Y/N. Embarrassment still sticks to his face with a red tint from his dumb actions.

Looking for my dog?!

Hoseok mentally mocks himself while walking a foot behind the mint-haired boy.

Though his height doesn't prove to be formidable, his voice and tone say otherwise.

"How long you know Y/N?" He suddenly asks.

"Couple of months," Hoseok responds instantly. "She helped me when I was moving in, and then that whole thing with her roof happened and she had to stay at my place for a few weeks."

Nodding his head, Yoongi looks back at him while still walking on the sidewalk. "Friends, huh?" Yoongi asks.

"Y-Yeah!" Hoseok answers quickly and loudly. "Me and Y/N are just friends."

"And Jimin?" He asks.

"Y/N tells me they're just friends..." Hoseok trails off, not even believing the statement himself.

Twisting his head back to connect their eyes once more, Yoongi shakes his head. "I'm not talking about that. You and Jimin. Just friends?"

Almost bursting out in laughter at the thought of him and Jimin in a relationship, Hoseok just sounds like he's choking behind the older boy as they walk. "N-No," he controls another laugh. "Chim is, whew," he takes a deep breath, "Chim is just so small and squishy. We're just friends, and plus, he's already given his heart to someone."

Still walking, unfazed, Yoongi just sticks his hands in his pockets.

"How is she?" He suddenly asks, a genuine tone taking over his previously harsh voice. "Y/N, is she happy?"

Hoseok sighs, a small smile on his face. "I used to think about that," he nods his head, "I used to ask myself it, but I know now. I see her when she's with him. She's happy."

"Him?" Yoongi inquires.

"Jimin," he remarks. "She might not know it, but I see it."

"Y/N said he's moving out soon. Is that true?"

With a laugh and a shake of his head even though Yoongi can't see it, Hoseok returns, "She's said that too many times to know if this time is the truth. I've just learned to think that Jimin's always gonna be around."

"I see," Yoongi clears his throat.

"What about you?" Hoseok asks hesitantly.

"What about me?"

Hoseok shrugs his shoulder once again, even though Yoongi can't see as he walks in front of him. "I don't know, what's your story? How'd you become friends with Y/N?"

"Back in elementary school, me and Y/N were in the same grade." He sighs, then lets out a small chuckle, contrasting the scowl he had on earlier. "We actually used to hate each other. But then, later on, she uh, she stood up for me when the other kids - sh-she stood up for me."

Frowning sympathetically, Hoseok nears him, now walking in step beside him on the pavement. "What were the kids doing?"

"Nothing," Yoongi says firmly.

"Okay," Hoseok hums lightly. "Oh, I was wanting to ask you, but it was a little weird earlier. Where are we going?"

Without warning, Yoongi suddenly turns, entering a pizza building they happened to walk by just then.

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