A Shooting Star

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"I think... that one is me... and that one is you." Jimin points out to the water where two small birds sit on the moon's reflection that makes a clear path along the clear water.

"Why can't I be that one?" You ask from your position on the back patio of the house, your head resting on Jimin's shoulder as you lay beside him on the cushioned chair. You point at the one he referred to as himself. Everyone else retired to bed after the campfire died out, leaving you both alone.

"Well, that one is beautiful, of course." He says like it's the most obvious thing ever. "... And the other one is protecting her." Looking out, the faint outline of the bird who Jimin compares himself to grooms the one he says you are like.

You hum, leaning into him more. You tilt your head, gazing upward, eyes more open than they can be in the fullness of day, not looking at one star, yet somehow seeing them all at once. "What about the stars?"

He too looks up, thinking hard while looking at the vast expanse of stars. He points up to the right of where you lay and at a big star that sticks out brightly compared to the others. "You." Without moving his hand, he swings his arm straight across his body and to the left at another star, but on the opposite side, that's nearly the same size as the other. "Me."

"They're so far apart," you say and look at him as he concentrates his gaze to the stars.

"Even though they're far apart," he begins, hand still pointing up at the sky. "They'll always be able to find each other... and they'll always be able to look over the other. As long as one of them is able to see the other, they'll always be connected."

He shifts his gaze back down to you, smiling gently before taking your chin that's near his own and turning your head back up to the sky.

Like magic, a shooting star races across the vastness of the night sky, chasing its way and lighting a burning path of yellow and white in its path. You try to engrave the beautiful sight in your mind, but it's gone before you even have time to react.

It's not the first time you've seen a shooting star, far from it. However, something about this time and with him, makes it feel different.

Hoseok's POV

"So was that a yes yesterday?" Hoseok asks, popping into the room Taehyung occupies the next morning.

Currently, everyone is packing up their things for the ride back home. "I don't know what you're talking about," Taehyung responds shortly.

Walking farther into the room, Hoseok shuts the door behind him before bringing up their conversation on the beach yesterday after Jungkook went off to help Jimin. "So, you wouldn't mind me asking Kookie or-"

"Don't," Taehyung is quick to turn and face him.

"Well if you don't like him, there shouldn't be a problem," Hoseok smirks to himself. Yesterday, he had confronted Taehyung about the topic of Jungkook.

The simple question he had asked: "Do you like Jungkook?" had Taehyung beet red and running away.

Oh, he so likes Jungkook. Hoseok smirks again.

Taehyung huffs, throwing the shirt he was holding onto the bed behind him. "Why do you even care?"

"Because he only acts like that in front of you."

Creasing his brows, Taehyung shakes his head. "Like what?"

"Just thought I'd ask, but as you said, you're not interested, so just don't worry about it." Hoseok says lightly and with a little "ta-ta'" before leaving the room.

Taehyung is left confused, while Hoseok struts down the hallway with a proud smile.

"Oh, I am such a matchmaker."



The ride home was uneventful. Everyone slept except for Hoseok and Yoongi who traded off spots in the driver's seat each time you stopped for a bathroom or food break.

Finally, you arrive home after dropping Jungkook and Taehyung off at their places. By now, it's nighttime, and you don't bother to unpack either of your suitcases.

Instead, you tiredly make your way to your bathroom, Jimin following behind you to take a shower.

You're glad to be back home, though you have to admit that this weekend was the most fun you've had in a while. On top of that, it was the most stress-free you've been.

So, after a quick shower and eating a snack, you and Jimin cuddle up on the couch where you put in a movie. Not quite tired enough to sleep because of the long car ride, but also not having enough energy to do much of anything else.

The movie your watch is some cheesy kid movie Jimin picked out, but he insisted it was going to be good while curling up in the blue blanket he uses wherever he goes. He used it when you slept at Hoseok's place, when he slept on the chair, and now on your bed.

"Y/N, I love you." Jimin hushes lovingly when seeing you staring.

You look up at him with a small smile. "I love you, too." You have to blow the hair out of your face, chuckling lightly.

He looks at you warmly, before bringing his arms up that were around you to put your hair up in a poorly made bun like he's seen you done so many times.

You hand him one of the bands that hang around your wrist, laughing more as he tries hard to get all the pieces of hair, meeting them in a messy bundle on the top of your head.

Once he's accomplished as much as he can, despite leaving out most of the hair in the back and tying it too loosely, you thank him with a kiss. "Thank you."

He hums with a nod, returning to his previous position.

And you sit beside each other, Jimin's arm around you, your head on his shoulder. And for the first time, you're certain about something.

You want this for the rest of your life.


How are you guys? I hope you're all doing well, as always. I also hoped you liked this little chapter for today, despite it being a little uneventful.

Fallen will be wrapping up shortly, my lovelies. Be prepared!

I will always say this, and never apologize for saying it too much, but I want to thank you again for how much love I have received from all of you. It will always be surreal, and I'm so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community.

Please rest well, my beautiful Ramies.

Please rest well, my beautiful Ramies

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- Ichiranramen <3

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