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Jimin's POV

"Y/N, I love you."

He said it.

He finally was able to say it.

No matter how much fear or worry he had- that still remains, he finally said the three words he's been bottling up for far too long.

"I love you," he repeats once more, voice wavering.

Her face is white, all the color has seemingly gone upon his words as she stares up at him in aversion. As if the phrase that left his mouth was the words she never wanted to hear, but he had said them anyways.

He still hovers over her, hand still laced with her own. Except her hold is fading from his as her hand unwinds, the bundle of their two hands made into one no longer.

"I-I'm sorry," she says almost noiselessly, her eyes glossing with clear liquid.


This isn't what was supposed to happen.

Jimin stares down in abhorrence.

Why is she crying??

His stomach tightens sickeningly, his mouth parting slightly as a whimper escapes it.

This wasn't supposed to happen when it was finally said. When she finally knew.

Choking back a sob, he grips his arm that suddenly feels like ice upon her response.

He whimpers again, arm shaking as he trails back achingly fast, almost falling off the bed altogether. He suddenly feels sick, not knowing where the pang that covers his entire body inside and out like a plague he didn't know he caught came from.

"Stop it," he cries out to the pain, shutting his eyes in hurt, gripping his arm until it turns white and the blood no longer reaches it.

Teeth coming down in an attempt to contain the noises that so badly wish to exit his mouth, he tastes blood. The red that seeps from the bite marks on his tongue makes another unhuman noise leave him as he lurches away from the bed confusedly.

He struggles as the tears flow mercilessly and in an endless torrent down his stained cheeks. Withdrawing backward, his back meets the wall forcefully and he fights to remain standing.

His mouth finally recoils, eyes shut in compressed torture, and he lets out a sound of sheer and utter pain that makes his whole body shake.

One sound that comes from the physical ache that shoots him like a gun.

And the other that resonates much, much deeper in his broken body.

His blurred eyes don't let him see the figure that quickly gets off the bed until they're directly in front of him.

"I'm sorry," the words exit her mouth frantically and are followed by another sob. "J-Jimin."

She reaches out for him, her hand making it's way to the one thing it shouldn't: his arm that aches with an unimaginable paroxysm like a phantom limb he didn't know he lost.

She touches it.

And he screams.

The sound, something not meant to come from a human mouth. The sound, not something that should ever be heard by another person.

The sound was something of an absolute, gut-wrenching form of pain that complied into one shriek of misery that seemed to make a lasting ring in their ears.

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