You wake up to an empty bed.
It catches you off guard, as Jimin never leaves before you, the morning being his favorite time to cuddle. Upon getting up and ready, you find him nowhere in the entire apartment.
So, after a cup of coffee and slipping on some shoes, you make your way over to Hoseok's room.
"Why are you here so early?" He groans as you enter, not saying a word as you walk further in.
"Where is he?" You look questioningly into the empty living room.
Yawning, he follows you and sits down on the couch. "Who?"
"Jimin," you say with a scoff. "Who else would I be talking about?"
He stretches his arms up momentarily. "Who now? Did you finally meet someone at the bar last night?"
"Stop joking around," you say with a laugh and a short yawn of your own.
"I'm not," he says seriously. "Y/N, don't you think it's time that you finally start dating? I think it'd be good for you."
You look at him with a warning. "Cut it out, Hoseok. I'm not in the mood."
"Fine, fine." He puts his arms down. "But I do think it'd be good for you."
Creasing your brows, you stare at him with folded arms. "What are you talking about? That's not even funny. Now, where is he?" You ask again before calling him name, knowing Jimin would come to you before going through with any of Hoseok's games. "Jimin, come out."
"Who do you think is in my apartment?" Hoseok asks while standing up. "And should I be afraid?"
"Afraid? Seriously?" You roll your eyes. "It's just Jimin."
He stares at you for a few long seconds. "You're being serious?"
"Yeah, now where is he?" You ask more persistently.
"What are you talking about?" He asks more worriedly. "Did you hit your head or something?"
You unfold your arms, now becoming more and more irritated. "Jimin, Hoseok. That guy who fell through my roof last year?" You say in a sarcastic tone, deciding as long as he keeps this joke up, you'll amuse him.
"Are you trying to trick me or something?" He chuckles lightly.
"Cut it out," you laugh and point a finger at him. "You're the one trying to trick me, and it's not working."
He creases his brows. "Hm, this is some joke. I might even believe you if it wasn't completely crazy."
"I-I'm not crazy, Hoseok." You stutter, becoming frustrated.
"Y/N, your roof collapsed because of poor ventilation and structure. Nobody fell through it," he laughs.
"This isn't funny anymore," you say dismissively, getting tired of his humorless words. "Cut it out and help me find him before something happens to him."
"Y/N, you're jokes are just as bad as always. I already see right through this one," he laughs again.
You take a step back. "You're not kidding with me?"
"No," he stretches with another yawn. "You should go back to sleep. It was a long day yesterday."
"That's right! I graduated yesterday," you pull out your phone quickly, going through your camera roll. "Look!"
You shove your phone in his face. "What about it? It's just us taking a picture? Delete that one, I look bad."
"What?" You take back your phone, looking over the image with you, Hoseok, and Jungkook. No Jimin. "No... no..."
You continue through your camera roll. Nothing. It's empty of anything Jimin was in.
"What is this?" You laugh, but there's nothing funny about your intonation. "When, no- how'd you do this?"
Nervously, he takes a step toward you. "Y/N, just calm down and-"
"Wh-when I stayed at your house after my roof collapsed," you interrupt urgently; frantically. Hoseok's never taken a joke this far. "I-I told you he was my friend visiting me, and you let him stay with us. And then you became best friends. You can't t-tell me you don't remember."
"Y/N, you stayed here by yourself," Hoseok says, now slightly concerned. "Go get some rest, you're scaring me."
He reaches out for you and you have to take a step back, tears forming in your eyes. "No... you're lying."
His worried expression doesn't change. No sarcastic comment, no surprise, nothing.
You race out of his apartment, running to the one person you know wouldn't lie to you.
With reddened eyes, you wish so badly to make it to the shop and see Jimin's blonde hair and bright smile sitting at one of the tables like he's done so many times.
"Jungkook," you let out quickly when opening the door. Several people fill the tables, none of them familiar.
"Noona," he says worriedly. "What's wrong?" He observes your red eyes.
"Have you seen him?"
"Who? Hobi?" He asks quickly, taking you to the back room with a hand on your back.
You shake your head. "Jimin."
His head tilts gently, eyes round and observing. "Noona, who is that? Are you feeling alright? Did someone hurt you?"
You don't hold back the sob that leaves your mouth this time. "Stop this. Whatever Hoseok put you up to, it's not funny anymore."
"What are you talking about?" He puts his hands on your shoulders. "Did Hoseok do something to you?"
You shut your eyes tightly, shaking your head. "This isn't real. I'm having a nightmare."
A soft ding emerges from the front of the cafe, signaling someone has come through the doors. "I'll be right back. Stay right here, Noona."
He leaves through the same door and you have to breathe heavily to keep back more tears from coming.
Because it wasn't a dream.
You couldn't find him.
Not that night, not the next day, nor weeks to come.
Despite your efforts in spending the next month asking, searching, and looking for anyone who knew... any person who might've remembered him, you didn't find anything. Nothing.
As far as everyone knew, you were just experiencing anxiety as a result of the graduation.
Jin and Namjoon let you take off work.
Taehyung promised to save your position at the alley.
Jungkook visited weekly with your favorite food and drinks from the cafe.
Yoongi and Hoseok practically lived at your apartment for the month, paying for groceries and aiding you with whatever you needed.
They were all there for you.
All of them were there except for the one you needed the most.
And the worst part of it all was that you still believed he would come back to you like he had that very first night;
When a beautiful, bright star came into your life to make you happy.
I had to add this because of the insane amount of comments. THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER MY LOVELIES.

Fallen |
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15