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"Good, uhm, night." You awkwardly say while swiping your hand to turn off the lamp on the bedside table.

The both of you continuously shift and turn in an attempt to find a comfortable position. Although, there seems to be no comfortable spot in this point in time for either of you. Silently groaning in annoyance, you toss the sheets off of yourself completely. You can't take your mind off of what happened at the movie. It's like it's playing in one big loop over and over in your head.

"Y/N," Jimin whispers.

Turning on your back so you have a not-so-clear view of the ceiling, you reply, "Yes?"

"Why did we leave the movie before it ended?" he asks, innocently.

"Because you couldn't stay like that any longer."

You hear the bed shift beside you. "Like what?"

"Remember how you asked me what was happening to you?"


You turn your body to your side so you're facing each other. Although you can't see him, you can feel that he's directly in front of you. "Well, this is kind of hard for me to explain, so just tell me what you were feeling in the theater."

"What I was... feeling?" he asks.

"Yes," you clarify, "tell me all that was going through your mind." You never thought you'd be asking a guy you're sleeping next to, to explain his boner to you, but then again, here you are.

You can feel him shift uncomfortably, before talking. "When you- uh, sat on my lap, it felt weird. Then you started moving, it didn't hurt, but it made me want to touch-"

"That's enough!" You stop him, "Let's just talk about this tomorrow, I'm really tired all of the sudden," you lie. There's no way you could be tired after that little description Jimin so unknowingly gave you. "Goodnight," you say shortly and quickly, turning back to face away from him.

You force yourself to shut your eyes, but the kaleidoscope of colors that fill your mind keep you awake. The colors are dark and mysterious, as if they're hiding something within them. They're somehow mocking you, telling you that they know something you don't... or rather something you don't want to admit. But all of this gets disrupted when a sudden warmth meets your back.

"Jimin," you whisper, gently scooting away from him. This position has almost became natural because of how much he has managed to do it.

He has other plans, however. Nuzzling his nose into your neck, your bodies become perfectly aligned. "Y/N," he breathes into your neck, "Why do you call me that today?"

"Call you what?"


You feel his arms snake around your frail form, "Because that's your name."

"But you don't call me that."

You sigh, "I know... Chim," you add and you can feel a smile creep up on his face as he nuzzles into your neck.

"We have to go to bed now," you quietly say, but hear the front door open then close from outside the bedroom. "Hoseok's home," you think out loud.

A knock comes from your door and it's a surprise because Hoseok isn't the knocking type. Then again, he doesn't wait for a response before the door swings open upon his hand. "Y/N?" he questions before switching the light to the on position, temporarily blinding you.

You hear Jimin groan from behind youas well when the light turns on, causing him to bury his face even deeper into the crook of your neck.

"Hoseok," you groan, covering your own eyes with the help of your hands. "Off." You command.

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