Special: Surprised pt. 2

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Hey there! This is another special chapter that I thought would be fun to make! If you don't like ships between the members, I fully understand. This is just meant to be a little chapter of fun, so read if you would like or wait for the next update! This won't change anything major in the plot, so feel free to skip over. Enjoy!


Jungkook's POV

After being dropped off at his frat from the trip, Jungkook goes up into his room where he throws his things on the floor before sighing and putting his hands over his face.

He groans tiredly, then remembers the other odd exchange he had on the way back.

They were stopping at another gas station, and everyone had gone inside to use the restroom.

The small bathroom only had two stalls, plus a few urinals.

Like always, Jungkook waits politely for everyone to go before using his turn. Once everyone appeared to be done, he makes his way in and to one of the urinals that line the wall.

He begins to relieve himself in peace before the door opens once more. Not paying attention to it, Jungkook looks forward to the wall until the last minute when he hears the clearing of someone's throat to the left of him.

Taehyung stands in a position almost mirroring his own, feet apart, neck relaxed back, and if he dared to look down any further, his pants unzipped.

Though Jungkook knows Taehyung is aware that he saw him, he looks back to the wall, zipping his pants up with haste.

Conflicted, Jungkook looks to the door to exit the bathroom, then back to the set of sinks that line the wall on the other side of Taehyung, opposite to the exit.

He thinks long and hard: Sanitation or dodging an awkward situation?

With a frown, he toddles to the sinks where he pumps soap into his hands before trying to get the automatic faucet to turn on. He waves his soapy hands under the source, yet nothing comes out.

Eyebrows creasing, he just about moves onto the next sink before a pair of hands come around his sides, sliding down the length of his two arms to cover his hands.

In the mirror, Jungkook finds Taehyung's calm face as he stares down at their hands with his arms caging him in, and begins to rub his slightly bigger hands over the top of his, picking up some of the sudds.

Jungkook, unable to say or do anything, stays frozen with Taehyung's arms around him and chest pressed against his back.

Then he takes the bundle of both of their hands and moves it under the sensor that Jungkook failed to see, and the water turns on.

Taehyung moves over to the next sink.

They rinse their hands in silence, dry their hands in silence, and leave.


First, it was that night in Daecheon, the next day at the beach, then it was on the way home, and now Taehyung sits in the cafe that Saturday night.

"What would you like to drink?" Jungkook asks as enthusiastically as he can manage around the brown-haired boy who he can barely make eye contact with.

Taehyung looks up at him with a small smile. "Surprise me."

Jungkook quickly retreats back to the counter where he makes his favorite drink that's not on the menu. Most everyone who he has made it for doesn't like it's overpoweringly sweet taste.

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