Crashing Down

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You hold up a card while sitting in front of Jimin on the floor of your apartment.

"Twenty-two," he says while looking at the number written on the small paper.

"Very good!" You praise him, holding up a different one.

Staring intently at the square card, he bites his lip. "Uhh... sixy-eight?"

"Sixty-eight," you correct him, pointing at the numbers individually and enunciating the part he got wrong.

"Sixty-eight," he repeats.


That's basically how your weekends have been going for the past couple weeks. You buying cheap flash cards with basic things that Jimin is yet to learn, then you teaching him them. The flash cards also allow him to practice while you're away at school. Of course, that required you to teach him how those worked as well.

Personally, you feel that these have been some of the most productive couple weeks you've had since Jimin fell from the sky and then into your life. Your relationship with Hoseok has anything but diminished. When you're not busy with homework or teaching, you and Jimin usually spend time at his house. Whether it be watching TV or eating dinner, you find time to get together.

At your own apartment, you feel as though things have never been better. Over the weeks, you've improved Jimin's makeshift bed to be more of an actual bed. If it wasn't for your own bed being your baby, you would've even offered sleeping on the chair.

You've regularly been giving Jimin lessons and he's picking up the concepts quite quickly. He's even earned the privilege of using the microwave. That is after you properly told him the rules that came along with it. You've even taught him how to do a couple simple chores during the day while you're gone. So, you feel for the first time in a while that life is going great, and things are taking a turn for the better.

That is until everything came crashing down one Sunday night.


"Chim," you call from your bed, "can you get me some water?" Currently, you're working on some last minute assignment that you completely forgot was due tomorrow, which is Monday. Your small laptop sits on your thighs, and you've been typing on it for the last hour or two.

Jimin, on the other hand, has been sitting in the kitchen doing God knows what for the whole time. "Yes, Y/N." You hear him finally respond, though you can't see him.

You hear some shuffling come from the kitchen, before he appears back in your room, water in hand. "Thank you," you smile gratefully while accepting the glass. You take a gulp before setting it down on the night table. Then, you get back to working.

"Uh, Chim, you can go now." You say once you notice him standing in the same position he was in while giving you the water.

"Y/N?" he asks, completely ignoring your offer.

Taking your attention away from your computer, you look up at him. "What is it?"

"Can you take a break?" Jimin asks, using another new phrase you taught him.

Baffled by his question, you shake your head vigorously. "Absolutely not! This is due tomorrow, remember? I've barely made a dent in it."

"Made a dent in it...?" Jimin questions, not understanding the metaphorical expression.

You sigh, "Never mind that, but I can't stop, Chim." You try to reason with him. "I have school very early tomorrow and I want to at least try and get some sleep."

"Then sleep, Y/N." Jimin states, picking absentmindedly at your bed sheets with his fingers. "I can make you tired."

Your eyebrows furrow, and you don't know what he means- like usual. "No, this is due. I can't fall asleep or I'll never finish it in time."

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