I'm Home

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"Thank you," you thank the employee before grabbing the plastic bag that holds your dinner.

With a quiet sniffle, you exit the convenience store in time to see a bright star as it lights up the dark night sky, but then it's gone once it passes.

You smile sadly before continuing to walk.

The way home is peaceful and quiet. What you would've usually liked is the opposite of what you need.

Silence creeps into your mind, letting your thoughts run freely, no matter how truthful they are.

But you're saved.


You're met with Jungkook and Taehyung when turning a street corner. They huddle together with two cups of coffee in the chilly evening.

"Why are you out so late?" Taehyung asks as you come closer to stop on the otherwise empty sidewalk.

You hold up the plastic bag with a small smile. "Dinner. What about you guys? It's cold."

"We went to try the new cafe down the street," Jungkook explains. "Want to try it?" He holds out his cup. "Vanilla latte."

You accept his offer before holding the now warm beverage and taking a sip. "Oh, it's good. Are you watching out for competition?"

"Is it really better?" Jungkook asks, eyes big.

Taehyung puts a reassuring hand on his back. "Not even close, sweetheart."

"Of course not. Nothing could beat yours," you smile gently before returning the cup to a blushing Jungkook. "I should be getting home, but I promise to stop by the cafe this weekend."

"Bye-bye," Taehyung titters along with Jungkook as you make your pitiful way back to your apartment.

Hoseok had stayed at your house the night prior, not letting you be alone until you left for work this morning.

You've stalled going back home this evening by yourself, knowing that Hoseok won't be there tonight. You stayed at work late, met up with Yoongi before he and Hoseok left for Daegu, and got dinner.

You even take the staircase up and are met with the same apartment door that you've looked at hundreds of times, but never paid attention to it. You find yourself doing that to many things, but only ever realize it when it's too late.

With the key in place, the door opens upon an easy twist of your wrist to the knob, and you walk in.

You think it might be your head at first.

The muffled sounds arise from the air like the noise that travels through earplugs; soft, blurred, and you can't tell where it's coming from.

Your bedroom.

By now you've dropped your bag, unbothered by the extra weight.

More noise.

Hesitantly, you walk near it.

"Hoseok and I went to an amusement park today."

Words. Complete words you hear, and you no longer tell yourself it's in your head.

"I told him I didn't want to go, but he said it'd make me happy," you hear, recognizing the voice to be yours. "I think you would've liked it a lot."

Your heart stops as you know it to be one of the many videos you've recorded every day for the past year.

"Actually, you would've been pretty scared at first," it goes on.

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