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"Y/N, listen." Sticking one of the earbuds that connects to the small MP3 player Jimin listens to into your ear, he begins to play a song. "Isn't it so beautiful, Y/N?" He asks the same question he asked the past ten times he's shown you a song as you sit side by side on your bed.

Ever since he found your old MP3 a few days ago and asked you about, he hasn't put it down for a second.

You're glad it's given him something to do while you're at school and work, but the cycle of songs is limited, and Jimin doesn't rest until making you listen to all of them each night.

"It's wonderful, Chim." You reply with a smile. "But aren't you tired? You should get some sleep now."

"I'll wait until you sleep," he says simply.

Sighing, you shut your laptop and move it to sit on your nightstand. "Alright, let's go to bed then."

With a smile and a hum, Jimin switches to the next song to preview a slow melody by a popular artist. "One more song?"

Nodding your head lightly, you move with Jimin as he rests his head on your pillow instead of leaning up against the headboard of your bed so your share one pillow.

You shut your eyes momentarily, the music entering your one ear and draining out all the other sounds around.

You fall asleep.


Jimin's POV

Turning his head on the fully occupied pillow they share, Jimin looks at Y/N.

The way her chest rises and falls rhythmically, her eyes that are shut, and her lips that are slightly parted in the center all tell him that she's fallen asleep. One of the earbuds is still in her ear as the other remains in his own, the small cord connecting the two resting between them.

Tonight she looks peaceful, he thinks while observing the way her eyes don't move nearly as much under her closed eyelids as they usually do, her eyebrows that aren't creased, and her mouth that isn't frowning.

Turning off the small player once the song ends, he takes out the bud that was in her ear before removing his own.

He turns on his side, completely facing her now.

"So pretty," he whispers out loud. He reaches up briefly to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, then moves down to hold her hand, rubbing his thumb over the softness of her warm skin.

Closing his eyes, he moves closer to her, still holding her hand. Then he starts to hum.

The melody is different from any of the songs he was listening to on the small box, but somehow it comes so naturally from him when he holds her hand this way.



"I made a song for you, Y/N," Jimin says happily when you walk in the room after coming home from work the next day.

Half expecting him to break out in song and start singing to row row row your boat right then and there, you're surprised when he takes your hand and leads you to your room when he then sits you on the edge of the bed.

"I wrote it for you, Y/N."

"All by yourself?" You ask, taken aback.

Nodding his head shyly, he steps in front of you, his hands folded in a ball in front of him.

"Oh, you give me kajjafeeluv," he sings out, "You are gonna be the kajjafeeluv." Closing his eyes, he melodically sings freely in the otherwise silent room. "Oh oh, ah~"

Fallen | p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now