Jimin's POV
"Y-Y/N. It hurts."
Like Jimin didn't even have to say a word, Y/N swiftly stands up and helps him out of his seat. There's an indescribable pain in his lower region where the ice cold water landed. He's never felt so uncomfortable, and he doesn't understand it.
"I know, I know," Y/N hushes him as he mutters out incomprehensible phrases. She walks him to a different part of the building, and all Jimin can do is look at all the surprised faces as they walk past other tables of strangers with concerned faces.
Finally reaching a door that's far from the scary strangers, he clutches onto Y/N as she opens it.
He wants her to open it and be back home in their apartment. He wants to snuggle into his chair, knowing that Y/N will always be across the room from him. He wants to be anywhere but here.
But, when she opens the door, he realizes it's not their apartment at all.
It's a bathroom, although a lot different from the one's at Y/N's and Hoseok's.
Locking the door behind her, Y/N momentarily let's go of him when going to get what seems to be a towel from the white-tiled room.
With a concerned face and narrowed eyes, she begins to pat Jimin's legs and lower waist with the white fabric while squatting down.
"Are you okay?" She asks in a hushed voice.
He feels a lot better than he was when the water was poured onto him, and even though it still feels weird in the wet area of his pants, he already feels better when Y/N held his hand.
"Because of you," he finally responds.
Standing back up so he can see her face once more, Y/N frowns slightly. "I'm sorry, Chim, that must've been scary." Tsking under her breath she looks past him at the door that leads back out into the room with strangers. "I can't believe this place is considered high class. We could've gone to McRonald's and eaten cheap food and worn comfortable clothes instead."
Jimin furrows his eye brows as she quickly becomes worked up all over again. Quickly wrapping his arms around Y/N, Jimin shushes her. "Don't be upset anymore, Y/N."
"I know, sorry. I just got scared back there," she says, "I can't let anything bad happen to you."
Squeezing her tighter, his skin tingles with bliss and so much warmth.
More, he wants to say.
"I like you so much, Y/N." He settles for.
"I like you too," she rubs his back gently. "What do you say we go get some hot cocoa and some dry pants?"
Nodding his head against her neck, he squeezes her one last time before he knows it will end.
What place has hot cocoa and an extra pair of pants that's nearby? You know exactly the place.
Although you could always go home and make some instant hot chocolate where Jimin already has all his clothes, you know one better.
Daisy's Coffee Shop.
Although the restaurant Hoseok booked had better food, Jimin's pants weren't going to dry just from a couple pats from a towel you found in the bathroom. On the bright side, however, the manager didn't charge Hoseok, and even said you could come another time for a free desert, so the deal didn't leave you completely upset.

Fallen | p.jm
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15