"What the heck?" You say slowly, entering your apartment to find Jimin and Hoseok. It isn't the fact that the lizard is on Jimin's head that concerns you; it's what he's wearing.
Looking up at you happily, he smiles cutely. "Y/N! You're home!"
"Yeah, but where did those clothes come from?" You ask slowly, hoping to not get the answer you're thinking.
Hoseok answers, putting a hand on Jimin's shoulder that's covered in a black jacket. "We bought it today, which he still needs to pay me back for."
Your mouth drops. "Hoseok, when you said you were hanging out with Jimin today, I agreed that he'd pay for his food and the movies. I never agreed to this! How much was it?" You ask urgently.
"Well, if you count all three outfits it adds up to about-"
"Owww," Hoseok whines as you hold a towel underneath his nose. It's bleeding because your hand had a spasm when he told you the price of the clothes, which caused your arm to smack him in the face.
"I'm sorry, but there's no way I can afford those. We're returning them." You explain while switching towels.
Hoseok groans, his voice nasally. "It's Jimin's money though. You should let him have some nice things once and a while."
"His money?!" You exclaim, frustrated and wishing Hoseok knew the whole story. You wish he could know that Jimin doesn't have any money at all, but you can't risk it. Telling him that Jimin has no money would only raise more questions that you don't have the answers to. "Fine," you finally say, "But no more going shopping at expensive stores, okay?"
The last question, directed to Jimin, makes him frown. "Okay, Y/N."
"I think it's stopped," you examine his nose while pulling away the blood soaked towel. "Never mind, it's not."
"Where are you even going dressed like that?" You ask the two males in front of you, clad in black outfits that admittedly look extremely attractive. Such behavior is something you can always count on coming from Hoseok, but from Jimin? Never.
The black leather jacket he wears with the white shirt underneath, paired with black skinny jeans underneath makes him look like a new person.
"That, Y/N, is somewhere you've probably never been." Hoseok smirks, wrapping an arms around Jimin's shoulder.
Crossing your arms, you lift your head up confidently. "And where is that?"
"Oh, you know, just the bar."
Then they're gone. You're left, mouth open in shock, the faint sound of Jimin saying goodbye from the other side of the door being the only thing you can hear.
"I've been to a bar." You say through gritted teeth to no one.
But then it hits you that Jimin never has. Heck, does he even know what alcohol is at this point?
But Hoseok will be there with him.
But is Hoseok really that reliable?
Of course he is. He would never let anything happen to Jimin, they're best friends.
Then again, you've only ever seen Hoseok drunk a couple times in the comfort of his own home. That's only with a couple drinks, but how many is he planning to drink tonight?
What will happen to Jimin?
Jimin's POV

Fallen | p.jm
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15