Jimin's POV
"So, you gonna tell me how it went?" Hoseok asks Jimin while sitting in the kitchen of his apartment, asking about the day Hoseok perfectly set up for him and Y/N. "Y/N told me you got water spilled on your bubble butt," he adds.
"Yes. It was okay," Jimin says stubbornly; unsatisfied.
Sighing before taking a sip of his water, Hoseok leans back in his chair. "What was it this time?"
"The cute boy." Jimin puckers his lips in distaste.
"Ooo a cute boy. Tell me more," Hoseok leans forward on the marble table, now interested in what he has to say.
Jimin lies his head down on the table, resting it on his folded arms. "At the drink place. He kept looking at Y/N, and she kept looking at him."
"That cafe she likes?" Hoseok asks in place of the 'drinking place'. "I'm sure you're just overthinking things, Chim."
Still pouting on the table, Jimin doesn't respond.
"So... you say there's a cute boy, hm?" Hoseok takes another sip. "Maybe I'll just have to check out that coffee shop myself one of these days."
"Jungshook," Jimin mutters.
"What was that?" Hoseok asks. "Jung-who now?"
Finally sitting up, Jimin looks forward at Hoseok. "That's the boys name that Y/N looks at: Jungshook."
Almost spitting out the mouth full of water Hoseok was drinking upon hearing the pronunciation, Hoseok slaps the table while trying to contain the water. "J-Jungkshook!?"
Going into another fit of laughter, Hoseok doesn't get the chance to see Jimin's disappointed face when thinking of his Y/N, and that smiling boy.
... smiling
Is that what makes Y/N happy?
Hoseok POV
"Daisy's Coffee shop, huh?" Hoseok says to himself while looking at the cliche cafe he walked to upon hearing Jimin's description.
"Cute boy." Hoseok recalls the little blond-haired male saying.
Adjusting his leather jacket, he clears his throat before entering the shop.
"Welcome to Daisy's Coffee Shop!" An excited voice calls from across the room and behind a counter.
With strawberry-blonde hair and a wide grin, an indeed cute boy looks back at him.
It's not long before he's seated with a warm cup of coffee in front of him, humming delightfully before taking a sip of the sweet yet bitter beverage. The cafe is small and cute, a constant aroma of coffee and sweets filling the air.
Eyes catching a stark, mint-haired boy from across the room as Hoseok tilts his head to drink the coffee, their eyes immediately connect.
With a slight scowl on his pursed, pink lips, the boy simply stares back at Hoseok.
Turning away quickly upon his gaze, Hoseok stares out the window silently. The cup is back up to his lips, and he tries to discreetly look out of the corner of his eye and in the direction of the interesting man.
Another cute boy, he observes.
"Maybe I should go to cafe's more often," he jokes quietly to himself.
His eyes focus on the light mint of his hair that glistens in the rays that shine in from the window, and down to the blackness of his jacket that hangs low to his- and he's looking again.

Fallen | p.jm
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15