"So, basically, you're saying that he fell from the sky, had your name tattooed on his wrist, didn't remember who he was, and you didn't think to call the police?" Hoseok asks seriously.
"Well... it sounds bad when you say it like that." You trail off.
Standing up from your kitchen table, Hoseok put's his hands up in the air. "Y/N, what if he's a missing person?! What if he hit his head, and has serious brain damage? His family must be worried sick!"
"I know, he has your name on your wrist. What if it's just a coincidence, though?" He questions. "He could be seriously sick, Y/N."
You're silent.
Because what if Hoseok is right?
Of course, the words he's saying have crossed your mind before. But that's as far as they've traveled. In your head.
You've never had someone to talk to; tell.
You no longer have just your judgment to go off of.
"I- I don't know." You stutter quietly.
He huffs, biting his lip thoughtfully. "Let's just- let's just talk to him first."
Hoseok leaves you at the table, walking back into your bedroom where Jimin is presumably still sleeping. Since you didn't want to wake him, earlier that night you and Hoseok moved to the kitchen to talk once Jimin's fever was nearly gone.
You follow him shortly after.
When you walk in to see Jimin, you see the color is back in his face, he no longer sweats, and he looks as though he's peacefully sleeping.
"Thank god," you let out quietly before walking over to him.
You put your hand over his forehead for good measure when hovering over him, which causes him to stir slightly, humming before opening his eyes. "Y/N," he croaks immediately.
"Sorry I woke you," you whisper gently, moving your hand off his forehead.
"Hyung," he observes Hoseok who stands hesitantly behind you. He then looks down, realizing he's on your bed. He instantly begins to get up.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down." You stop him from getting up. "Why are you moving?"
He looks up at you with creased brows. "Y/N, you hate it when I'm on your bed."
"No, I-" you stop, remembering all the times you did indeed tell Jimin to stay clear of your bed. "It's fine," you assure him with a release of your breath.
"He looks completely fine," Hoseok observes. "How is that even possible?"
You don't respond, only praying that he stays fine and healthy.
Jimin's POV
Jimin sits motionlessly at the kitchen table, hands neatly folded and on his lap.
"Um, Y-Y/N-"
"Sh," Hoseok zips, shutting him up.
He stands up at the other end of the table, one hand scratching the bottom of his chin in mock curiosity.
"Oh, come on Hoseok!" Y/N finally exasperates from her spot on the table. "How long are you just going to stare at him? You're scaring him!"
Jimin stays quiet, confused beyond his regular melee. When he woke up in Y/N's bed, he didn't even remember how he got there, let alone why Hoseok was acting as if he was a completely different person. He couldn't remember being sick at all.

Fallen | p.jm
Fanfiction"You're naked." He nods. "And you came from the sky." He nods. BTS Jimin x Reader He fell from the sky. Now he's your responsibility. Completed. 2019.12.15