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"Y/N ,please report to President Olstein's office at once" a voice said over the intercom.

You're kidding me, you thought to yourself.

You had been the star disciple of United Star record label and recording studio. You were young, a mere 20 years old, the youngest of the entire companies staff.

You walked into the VP's office. At the desk sat Mr.Olstein. Drake Olstein, the president and founder of United Star, her boss, a 30 year old, and a major pervert. At least to you he was.

He had a thing for younger girls, and of course, you being the youngest, he had his eyes on you.

His hands had never touched you, not yet, but his eyes were all over.

You came into his office.

"Shut the door please" he said.

You shut the door behind you.

"Take a seat"

You sat down, always doing what he told you.

"Did I do something wrong?" The words quickly rushing from your mouth.

He chuckled. "No, not at all"

You sighed a breath of relief.

"In fact it's quite the opposite. I have a job opportunity for you, but only if you are interested. Have you heard of a group called BTS?" He asked, placing his hands in front of him on his glass tabletop desk.

"I mean, I've heard of them, but I don't know much"

"They are a Korean boy band of sorts. A genre called kpop. Korean pop. They want to start bringing their music to America"

"Ok, and how does this have anything to do with me?" You asked.

"Everything Y/N. They need an American manager. I want you to be their manager" he said.

Your mouth dropped open in shock.

"So will you take the job?"

You nearly jumped out of the chair you had been sitting in and grabbed his hand, shaking it ferociously.

"Of course sir thank you for the opportunity. I can't believe you'd give such a big job to such a newbie like me wow thank you so much"

He silenced you.

"Anything for you babygirl"

You went quiet. "I should go now, lots of paperwork to do"

"Of course Y/N, have a great night. And the boys will be arriving Wednesday morning. You will need to pick them up from the airport"

"Ok thanks again sir" you pulled your hand away and walked out of his office, pulling hand sanitizer from your purse and rubbing all up your arms and on your hands.

Ugh, he called you babygirl you thought to yourself. Thinking about it made you shudder.

*wednesday morning*

You had spent each day listening to all of BTS' songs. And although it wasn't in English, they weren't all that bad.

You had gotten up early, straightened your long brown hair. Your brown eyes shined extra bright today, filled with optimism. 

You had stopped at a Starbucks and picked up eight regular coffees, packets of sugar, and creamer. One coffee for yourself, the others for the boys.

"Would if they don't like coffee?" You said out loud.

"Would if I trip and fall?"

"No, stay positive" you said out loud again, gripping the steering wheel.

Your knuckles turned white. You were anxious. Your first big job started now.

You parked your company van, which was filled with enough seats for everyone, and hopped out.

You fiddled with your pencil skirt, buttoned the top button of your blouse, and headed into the airport.

You saw them right away. They almost stood out.

You approached them and they turned to look at you.

"Hello, I'm Y/N" you said.

"Oohhh our new manager" the tallest one said. You didn't know their names. And his English was perfect.

He held out his hand and you shook it.

"My name is Namjoon, but you can call me by my stage name, RM" he said with a smile.

He then introduced everyone and explained what each one did.

Four vocal leads and three rappers.

"Well it's nice to meet you all, you can follow me to my company car" you said, trying to sound as professional as you could.

They followed, RM, chatting about American culture all the way to the car.

He asked what her favorite show was.

"Stranger things"

What her favorite food was


They filed into the van and began chatting in the back seat, in Korean.

"Wait, no, we are in America. It's English speaking time" j-hope said.

You had gotten the hang of their names. But chose to call them by their stage names. Much easier.

"Ooohhh yeah you're right" Jin said with a smile.

You started the engine and got out of the airport parking lot.

Maybe this job won't be so bad.

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