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A/N: entire chapter is mature content, don't say I didn't warn you, skip if you'd like

Your point of view:

You knew you wanted jimin to take your virginity. You'd known for quite awhile. And although now wasn't the greatest time you'll admit, because of the whole situation you had just been in, you felt that you needed jimin to fill you and make you whole again. You wanted jimin to connect on a physical level.

You knew you loved Jimin, but you didn't want to say it too early.

"Tonight. Take me tonight Jimin"

And after you said those words, Jimin shoved the covers off of himself. His body pressed you down into the mattress, hovering over you. His lips crashed against yours, sucking your bottom lip. You took his between your teeth and tugged lightly. That seemed to rile him up as he brought his hands up your shirt, pushing it farther and farther up your abdomen.

The skin on his hands were soft as they traveled behind my back, unclasping the bra you had been wearing, he then tossed it to the ground in a flurry of motion as he then slipped your cotton blouse off.

He brought his lips down to your jaw and kissed it lightly, then went under my chin, to my collar bone, sucking the skin and leaving a small bruise, your chest, then your breasts as he kissed one, causing you to shudder.

His hands found your waist and he unbuttoned my pants then slipped them down my legs. You reached for his shirt and brought it up and over his head. His broad chest was on full display and traveled your hands up and down it.

He smirked as he unbuckled his pants and kicked them off, a large budge on the crotch of his boxers. You stared at it for a second. Then quickly peeled your eyes away to look at his. His hands slowly went to the waistband of his boxers as he slid them off, his hard on on full display. You bit your lip as you stared at it. He bent down to look in the pocket of his jeans and found a condom.

"Oh just carry condoms in your pocket?" You asked.

He shrugged. "It's a habit at this point"

You laughed when suddenly his face went serious as he slid the condom on himself then grabbed your panties, practically ripping them off.

You thought he was going to insert himself inside you when suddenly he dropped on his knees, spreading your legs. You tried closing them but his strong hands held your thighs open. He let go of one thigh and slowly inserted a finger inside you.

"God your so wet for me baby"

He pumped the finger inside you a few times before adding another. Your hips bucked off the bed and he took his free hand and pressed your waist into the bed, forcing you down.

Suddenly you felt his tongue on your clit as his fingers continued their rhythm.

You whimpered a bit and tried moving away. It was so much pressure on you at one time that you already felt your release.

He stopped and he then positioned himself between your legs. "You're still sure about this?"

You nodded. He then inserted himself inside you and after a few minutes, you both came.

He laid beside you, you both panting. You out your pajamas on and he put on his and he laid behind you, his arm around your waist. "I love you Y/N"

You smiled. "I love you too"

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